Chapter One I can count and compare numbers to 1,000 I can use base-ten blocks to recognize, read, and write numbers to 1,000 I can count on by 1s, 10s, and 100s to 1,000 I can use base-ten blocks and a place value chart to read, write, and represent numbers to 1,000. I can read and write numbers to 1,000 in standard form, expanded form, and word form. I can use base-ten blocks to compare numbers. I can compare numbers using the terms and symbols greater than > and less than <. I can order three-digit numbers, identify the greatest and least number, and number patterns. classify, use deduction, identify patterns/relationships, sequencing, and work backward Chapter Two I can determine three-digit numbers can be added with and without regrouping. I can use base-ten blocks to add numbers up to three-digits without regrouping. I can use base-ten blocks to add numbers up to three-digit with regrouping in ones. I can use base-ten blocks to add numbers up to three-digit with regrouping in tens. I can use base-ten blocks to add numbers up to three-digit with regrouping in ones and tens. I can solve real- world problems. I can work problems backward Chapter Three I can subtract up to three-digit numbers with and without regrouping. I can use base-ten blocks to subtract without regrouping from three-digit numbers. I can apply the inverse operations of addition and subtraction I can solve real-world subtraction problems. I can use base-ten blocks to subtract with regrouping with three-digit numbers from tens and ones. I can use base-ten blocks to subtract with regrouping with three-digit numbers from hundreds and tens. I can use base-ten blocks to subtract with regrouping with three-digit numbers across zeroes. I can use deduction, identify patterns/relationships, work backward, and use a diagram/model. Chapter Four I can demonstrate addition and subtraction can be shown with bar models. I can use bar models to solve addition and subtraction problems and apply inverse operations. I can model addition as joining sets, model subtraction as taking away, and apply the inverse operations. I can model addition /subtraction as comparing sets and apply the inverse operations. I can use bar models to solve two-step addition/subtraction and apply the inverse operations. I can analyze parts/whole, compare, act it out, use a diagram/model and before- and-after concept. Math In Focus 2 nd Grade – Chapters 1-4
Chapter Five I can demonstrate multiplication and division using equal groups. I can use equal groups and repeated addition to multiply. I can make stories about pictures I can write multiplication sentences. I can divide to share equally and by repeated subtraction of equal groups. I can solve multiplication/division word problems. I can identify patterns/relationships and use a diagram/model. Chapter Six I can demonstrate known multiplication facts can be used to find other multiplication and division facts. I can skip-count by 2s and solve multiplication word problems. I can use dot paper to multiply by 2. I can solve multiplication word problems. I can skip-count by 5s. I can use dot paper to multiply by 5. I can use known multiplication facts. I can identify related multi facts. I can skip-count by 10s. I can use dot paper to multiply 10s. I can use related multiplication facts to find related division facts. I can write a multiplication sentence and a related division sentence. I can solve division word problems. Chapter Seven I can recognize that centimeter rulers/meter sticks can be used to measure and compare how long and tall things are. I can a meterstick to estimate and measure length. I can compare lengths and find the difference in lengths of objects. I can centimeter ruler to measure length and draw a line of given length. I can use a centimeter ruler to measure/compare and find the difference in lengths of objects. solve 1-step and 2-step problems involving length and draw models to solve real- world problems. I can use deduction, sequencing, look for patterns, and guess and check. Chapter Eight I can demonstrate known multiplication facts can be used to find other multiplication/division facts. I can use a measuring scale to measure mass in kilograms. I can compare and order mass. I can a measuring scale to measure mass in grams. I can compare and order masses in grams. I can use bar models to solve problems about mass. I can parts and whole, induction, and use a diagram/model. Math In Focus 2 nd Grade – Chapters 5-8
Chapter Ten I can determine mental math can be used when an exact answer is needed. I can relate “sum” to the addition operation. I can add numbers with up to 3-digits mentally with and without regrouping. I can relate “difference” to the subtraction operation. I can up to 3-digit numbers mentally with and without regrouping. I can use a number line to round to the nearest 10. I can use rounding to estimate sums and differences I can estimate to check reasonableness of answers. I can use deduction, identify patterns and relationships, and simplify the problem. Chapter Eleven I can demonstrate money amounts can be shown and counted using bills and coins. I can recognize $1, $5, $10, $20 bills. I can show and count money using coins and bills to $20. I can write money amounts using $ and ¢. I can write dollars as cents and cents as dollars. I can compare amounts of money using tables. I can use bar models to solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of money. I can use comparing, deduction, sequencing, guess and check, use a diagram, and make a list. Chapter Twelve I can how fractions can be used to describe how equal parts are related to a whole. I can identify equal fractional parts. I can read, write, and identify halves, thirds, and fourths. I can use model drawings. I can compare two or more unit fractions using models of the same size and order two or more unit fractions with and without the use of models of the same size. I can identify fractions that name more than one equal part of a whole. I can use models to add and subtract fractions. I can add and subtract like fractions. I can use comparing, deduction, sequencing, analyzing parts and whole, act it out, and use a diagram. Math In Focus 2 nd Grade – Chapters 9-12 Chapter Nine I can volume is the amount of liquid in a container and liters measure volume. I can explore and compare volume. I can use liters to estimate, measure, and compare volume. I can models, addition, and subtraction to solve real-world problems about volume. I can use comparing, deduction, and use a diagram/model.
Chapter Fourteen I can determine the time of day can be shown in different ways. I can use the minute hand to show and tell the number for every five minutes after the hour. I can show and tell time in hours and minutes. I can use a.m. and p.m. to show morning, afternoon, or night and order events by time. I can determine how much time has passes. I can use deduction, identify patterns /relationships, and making suppositions. Chapter Fifteen I can skip-count by 3s. I can use dot paper to multiply by 3s. I can use known multiplication facts to find new facts. I can identify related multiplication facts. I can solve multiplication word problems. I can skip-count by 4s. I can use dot paper to multiply by 4. I can find division facts using related multiplication facts. I can write a multiplication sentence and related division sentence. I can solve division word problems. I can use deduction, identify patterns/relationships, look for patterns, and use a diagram. Chapter Sixteen I can demonstrate bar models can be used to solve multiplication and division problems. I can use bar models and write multiplication sentences to solve real- world problems. I can use bar models and write division sentences to solve real- world problems. I can use bar models to solve real-world problems on measurement and money. I can use deduction, analyzing parts and whole, identify patterns /relationships, and use a diagram. Chapter Thirteen I can rulers can be use to measure and compare how long and tall things are. I can use a ruler to estimate and measure length. I can compare lengths and find the difference in lengths of objects. I can use a ruler to measure length to the nearest inch and draw parts of lines of given length. I can use an inch ruler to measure and compare lengths and the find the difference in lengths of objects in inches. I can solve one- and two-step problems involving length and draw bar models to solve real- world problems. I can use classifying, comparing, deduction, sequencing, analyzing parts/whole, patterns /relationships, guess and check, use a diagram, and solve part of the problem. Math In Focus 2 nd Grade – Chapters 13-16
Chapter Seventeen I can determine picture graphs use pictures to show data about things you can count. I can, analyze, and interpret picture graphs and complete picture graphs. I can make, read, and interpret picture graphs. I can solve real-world problems using picture graphs. I can use classifying, comparing, deduction, identifying patterns /relationships, make a systematic list, and solve word problems. Chapter Eighteen I can demonstrate properties of parts of lines, curves, and surfaces can be seen and felt. I can recognize, identify, describe, and draw parts of lines and curves. I can identify, classify, and count flat and curved surfaces and identify solids that can stack, slide, and/or roll. I can use classifying, deduction, identifying patterns/ relationships, look for patterns. Chapter Nineteen I can recognize planes and solid shapes can be identified and classified and can be separated and combined to make other shapes. I can recognize and identify plane shapes. I can combine smaller plane shapes to make larger plane shapes. I can separate larger plane shapes to smaller I can combine and separate plane shapes in figures. I can draw plane shapes and figures on dot paper and square grid paper. I can recognize and identify solid shapes. I can build models using solid shapes. I can combine and separate solid shapes. I can identify, describe, extend, and create patterns using different sizes, shapes, colors, and positions (turning). I can use identifying patterns/relationships, look for patterns. Math In Focus 2 nd Grade – Chapters 17-19