Announcements QUIZ next class!!! – Subject: European imperialism in Africa – Study: All 15 materials Plan for today – Textbook review of imperialism – Re-engage the target skills (analysis, synthesis) – Challenge tasks
IMPERIALISM Objectives – I CAN identify and explain the significance of: Imperialism; Nationalism; Social Darwinism; the Berlin Conference; Leopold II; Menelik of Ethiopia; the Suez Canal – I CAN establish the causes and effects of European imperialism in Africa in the 1800s-1900s. – I CAN analyze subjects (examine the parts of a whole) and synthesize information to construct a main idea.
In the early 1900s, thousands of people died because of a rich man named Leopold. WHY?
In the early 1900s, thousands of people died because of a rich man named Leopold. Rules: 10 minutes, YES-NO questions. You need to be able to explain: – Who was Leopold? – How did he get rich? – How did he cause thousands of people to die? When you think you can explain everything, raise your hand and say: “I think I’ve got it!” – Your explanation must be specific!!!
The Age of Imperialism Focus: “The Scramble for Africa”
Imperialism… Scramble for Africa What can you learn about imperialism in Africa from the following images?
The Berlin Conference,
CAUSES: Factors contributing to European imperialism ECONOMIC INTERESTS – Desire for resources and mass production POLITICAL COMPETITION – Fueled by growing spirit of nationalism CULTURAL SENSE OF OBLIGATION – Duty: To serve Africa through the provision of… Organized government (so people can live well) Education (so people can make informed decisions) Faith (so people can achieve salvation)
Why did European imperialists believe the Africans were not capable of achieving political order, education, and salvation on their own??? SOCIAL DARWINISM
The EFFECTS of imperialism Improvements in infrastructure Africans lost their land and lives Very harsh working conditions Cultural insensitivity and racism After the Europeans left… – Ethnic conflict and competition for power – Rule by inexperienced African leadership – Mismanagement of modern infrastructure
What is the thesis, or argument, of this image?
How much have you learned??? FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT