Presented by Graeme Dixon Service Manager 23 rd September 2013
The Alcohol Harm Reduction Service Started March 2010 Serves those with a GP in Postcodes HU1-9 Service delivered across the City Work with Employers as well as Individuals Provide Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) Provide Extended Identification and Brief Advice (EIBA)
Working with Others We work closely with other organisations in the city including: – GP Practices – HRI – Castle Hill Hospital – The Women and Childrens Hospital – Humberside Police – Humberside Fire and Rescue Service – Humberside Probation Trust – The Together Women’s Project – Community Healthcare Partnership – Adult Social Care
Working with Others Businesses and Events: – Arco – In Training – Remploy – Jacksons Bakery – CityWorks – Arco – Greencore – Centrica – University of Hull – Veterans Weekend – Hull Pride – Hull Business Week
Why Alcohol Brief Advice? It works– evidence shows that, of people who receive alcohol advice, 1 in 8 will change their behaviour 1 in 20 who receive advice on smoking will stop smoking
What is Brief Advice Brief Advice is a short, targeted piece of information, aimed at helping an individual improve their lifestyle. It is not normally a prolonged discussion or counselling session. It should aid the individual in deciding how to implement changes in their lifestyle that will improve their health
AUDIT One in four people drink excessively compared to one in twenty who are dependent drinkers. We use a Gold Standard questionnaire which is a WHO tool called the AUDIT and is used internationally. It is 92% sensitive and 94% specific. It helps to pick problems up at an early stage and deal with them often without the need of specialist treatment.
Scoring: A total of 5+ indicates increasing or higher risk drinking. Screening AUDIT – C For people aged 16 years and over
What is Extended Brief Advice This is motivationally-based and can take the form of: motivational-enhancement therapy or motivational interviewing. The aim is to motivate people to change their behaviour by exploring with them why they behave the way they do and identifying positive reasons for making change.’ These sessions normally last minutes, most clients attend 4-6 sessions.
FRAMES FRAMES is an acronym summarising the components of a brief intervention. Feedback (on the client’s risk of having alcohol problems) Responsibility (change is the client’s responsibility) Advice (provision of clear advice when requested) Menu (what are the options for change?) Empathy (an approach that is warm, reflective and understanding) Self-efficacy (optimism about the behaviour change).
LocationAddressDayTimeNotes Alexandra Health Centre Alexandra Road Hull Friday pm Please Call for an Appointment Bransholme Health Centre Goodhart Road Hull Friday 10am - 1pm 1.30pm - 4pm Appointments bookable by telephoning action for change or on a walk in basis if available,see action for change staff at the information stand in reception area in the health centre. Diadem Medical Centre Diadem Grove Hull Friday9am - 12pm Please Call for an Appointment Gipsyville Multi-Purpose Centre Hessle Road HullThursday 9.30am - 12pm Please Call for an Appointment Health East Craven Park Preston Road Hull Tuesday12pm - 4pm Please Call for an Appointment Kingston Medical Centre Beverley Road Hull Tuesday1pm - 4pm Please Call for an Appointment Park Medical Centre Holderness Road Hull Thursday pm Starts 13/06/13. Open access. Please visit the reception area. Riverside Medical CentreWalker Street HullThursday3pm - 7pm Please Call for an Appointment Springhead Medical CentreWillerby Road HullWednesday4pm - 7pm Please Call for an Appointment TWPGeorge Street HullWednesday 10am pm Please Call for an Appointment Wilberforce CentreStory Street HullThursday9am - 4pm Please Call for an Appointment Wilberforce CentreStory Street HullWednesday1 - 4pm Open Access. Starts 19/06/13. Then every other week. Visit the ground floor reception area. Action for Change Sessions
Contact Details Action for Change 1 st Floor Commerce House 62 Paragon Street Hull HU1 3PW Tel: Fax: Web Address: