Community – Academic Partnership on Addiction (CAPA) Putting the “M” in SMART Motivational Interviewing PDSAs
Science to Service “We have to think like scientists and act like humanists.” Linda Rosenberg, President & CEO National Council for Behavioral Health
Scientific Method The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.
Fidelity in Evidence Based Practices One of the most important considerations when implementing an evidence-based practice is fidelity (sometimes called adherence or integrity) to the original approach. Preserving the components that made the original practice effective can directly impact the success of desired outcomes.
Scoring Rubric A scoring rubric is an attempt to communicate expectations of quality around a task. Several common features of scoring rubrics can be distinguished – focus on measuring a stated objective (performance, behavior, or quality) – use a range to rate performance – contain specific performance characteristics arranged in levels indicating either the developmental sophistication of the strategy used or the degree to which a standard has been met
Motivational Interviewing Tools MIA – STEP MITI
Next Steps – PDSA SMART Goals S-Specific(What, When, How) M-Measurable(How will you know) A-Achievable(Can reach it) R-Realistic(Not overwhelm) T-Timely(Clear target)
Next Steps – PDSA SMART Goals
Getting to the Deep End of the Pool
Schedule of Upcoming CAPA Meetings Mondays 9am to 12noon June 23 rd – Brown Lounge August 25 th – Brown Lounge September 29th – Brown Lounge October 27 th – Brown Lounge November 24 th – Brown Lounge *Please complete the evaluation survey… We will be providing CEUs from the MSAPCB…