Causes of World War One
Today’s Objective Understand the situation that allowed one assassination in Europe to start the Great War (later known as World War One)
World War One - Causes WWI was triggered by Archduke Francis Ferdinand’s assassination The Archduke was next in line to be ruler of the Austro-Hungarian Empire The event was just a trigger though
World War One - Causes In the early 1900s, the Balkan region in Europe had been called a “powder keg” – meaning one spark and it could blow up into war Pictured: a cartoon depicting Germany, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary and Britain attempting to keep the lid on the simmering cauldron of imperialist and nationalist tensions in the Balkans to prevent a general European war.
World War One - Causes There are several different factors that led to this situation Major factors include: –Alliances –Imperialism –Militarism –Nationalism
Causes - Alliances Several European alliances were made between 1879 and 1914
Causes - Alliances Alliance – an agreement between two or more countries to help each other if needed
Some of the Major European Alliances Prior to 1914 Dual Alliance, 1879 –Germany and Austria-Hungary Franco-Russian Alliance, 1894 –France and Russia Triple Entente, 1914 –France, Russia, and Britain
Causes - Imperialism Imperialism – when a country takes over new lands and makes them subject to their rule
Causes - Militarism Militarism – when a country gives the army and militia forces high profiles Tanks on parade in London at the end of World War One
Causes - Nationalism Nationalism – being a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one’s country
Causes of World War One Prior to the war, there had been tension between powerful European countries such as Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary over colonial issues
Causes of World War One There had been tension between France and Germany since 1871 when Germany was victorious in the Franco-Prussian War The Battle of Mars-la-tour during the Franco-Prussian War
Causes of World War One Different crises almost led to war prior to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand: Two that came close: –The Moroccan Crisis –The Bosnian Crisis Allied Powers: tan Central Powers: pink Neutral countries: green
Crises – Moroccan Crisis Germany supported Moroccan independence, France wanted to Keep Morocco Allied Powers: tan Central Powers: pink Neutral countries: green
Crises – Bosnian Crisis 1908 – Austria- Hungary annexed Bosnia Serbia thought it should be theirs This created tension between Austria- Hungary, Serbia, and Serbia’s ally Russia Allied Powers: tan Central Powers: pink Neutral countries: green
In 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand would be the spark that started World War One Countries involved in WWI, with Allied Powers green and Central Powers yellow Causes of World War One
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his family. Archduke was heir to the throne in the Austrian Hungarian Empire. His assassination June 28, 1914 eventually led to WWI. Garvillo Princip, a Serbian nationalist assassinated the Archduke. He was trying to gain allowances for his fellow Serbs who lived under Austrian rule. Franz Ferdinand’s funeral procession franz Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Alliance Chain Reaction When the Archduke was assassinated, Bosnia along with Serbia were annexed to Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary was convinced Serbia has something to do with the killings. They used this excuse to declare war on Serbia on July 28, This set off the chain reaction of alliances throughout Europe.
Chain Reaction, Continued July 29, Russia (Russia was Serbia’s protector) began mobilization. Germany demanded Russia stop. They didn’t. Germany declared war on Russia. Russia’s ally France declared war on Germany. Germany declares war on Belgium. Great Britain declared war on Germany.
Schlieffen Plan Quick sweep through France to knock the French out of the war then turn east and defeat Russia. Germany is between France and Russia. This plan was put in order to avoid fighting both countries at the same time. Germany had to pass through Belgium to get to France Belgium was neutral. Germany hoped Britain would stay out of the war. The invasion of Belgium brought Britain into the war. 1 week after the conflict started all of Europe’s great powers were involved.
Archduke and Wife Assassinated Austria-Hungary Declares war on Serbia July 28, 1914 Russia Begins Mobilization July 29, 1914 Germany Declares war on Russia August 1,1914 Russian’s ally France readies troops Germany Demands Russia Stop Germany’s Schlieffen Plan Britain Enters War after invasion of Belgium August 4, 1914 Central Powers and Allies Formed
WWI Alliances Central Powers o Germany o Austria-Hungary o Ottoman Empire o Bulgaria Allies o Russia o France o Serbia o Great Britain o Italy o Romania
Discussion Question What could have been done differently to prevent World War One from happening?
Bibliography “" First World N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct "World War One - Causes." From Ancient Times to the 20th Century. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct