Mrs Burson
Weekly timetable Most subjects will be covered weekly. Literacy and maths everyday. Morning routine PPA timings Wednesday afternoon – Mrs Clare Tuesday afternoon – Miss Bakewell
Uniform/Shoes Daily warm/waterproof clothes please! PE kit Jewellery/Hair/N ails
A ‘Learn It’ is a number fact that is learnt so well that it can be recalled instantly. It includes the entire 1 digit add 1 digit answers as well as the 1 digit multiplied by 1 digit answers. The pupils should know all ‘Learn Its’ as well as they know their own name! When they recall these facts there is no thinking time. They should also know the opposite and inverse, e.g. is they know 2+3=5, they also rapidly know 3+2=5, 5-2=3 and 5- 3=2. When this is achieved it opens the door to a whole new world of numeracy e.g. 80 x 70 is easy to do if you know 8 x 7.
If you would like copies please ask Miss Jeavons/ or me and I will get them from her
Look out for WILF lists in the classroom! Use the games and ideas in the Maths Leaflets – maths can be fun! Look for online games and apps too. Show your child maths in real life all the time, especially shopping, measuring/weighing and time – this is free 1:1 Tuition on problem solving and needs no fancy maths knowledge! Recite number facts (LEARN ITS) at every opportunity – the sooner they are learnt, the more confident a child feels in every lesson. Top attainment is almost always linked to knowledge of number bonds and times tables at the age appropriate level.
Spelling can be really tricky for some children! Let’s have a go! How would you spell fish? Obviously it’s ghoti ! gh= f as in cough o = i as in women ti = sh as in function Hum…not so easy is it!
Expectation is that each child will complete an hour and a half a week. Homework will be set on a Thursday Reading daily – recorded in journal checked on a Monday Maths games or activity Topic ‘a la carte menu’ If your child finds a task difficult please do come and speak to me.
How to Support your child in Year 3 Website and class notice board Wow wall – outstanding work WILFs – how to do something Shared Learning at home
On the Year 3 and home pages of the school website (check whole school and Y3calendar) Parent teacher meetings November Class Assembly 24 th Nov 9am HAS AGM 30 th September 7:30
Any questions?