European Imperialism and Civil Rights


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Presentation transcript:

European Imperialism and Civil Rights Nathan Gilson 7th Grade Social Studies Southwest Middle School

European Imperialism The time during the 1800’s and 1900’s when European countries claimed large territories in Africa and Asia.

Direct rule The system used by countries like France where they directly controlled everything done in their colonies.

Indirect rule The system used by countries like England where they allowed colonies to rule themselves as long as they benefit the mother country.

Civil Rights Rights given to every citizen of a country.

apartheid The word used to describe an official policy of separation between white and non- white citizens in South Africa.

Segregation An official government policy of keeping people separated or ruling people differently.

ANC (AfricAN NATIONAL CONGRESS) A political party formed to work toward equality and the end of apartheid in South Africa.

Civil disobedience A non-violent way to protest against government laws by refusing to follow laws you don’t agree with.

empire A mother country and all of its colonies and territories that it controls.

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