It’s time to change…
What does change talk look like? Problem Recognition Concern about the problem Awareness of the problem Potential benefits of change Costs of not changing
D – Desire to change (want, like, wish…) A – Ability to change (can, could…) R – Reasons to change (if, then…) N – Need to change (got to, have to, need to…) Preparatory change talk & Implementing Change Talk + C – Commitment (intention, decision, readiness…) A – Activation (ready, prepared, willing…) T – Taking steps
D esire A bility R eason N eed + C ommitment I know I can quit if everyone just gets off my back. I’ve got to have my GED to get the apprenticeship. I don’t want my kids getting in the same trouble I did. This time, I am going straight to the halfway house from here. My mom’s not going to let me back in the house if I don’t quit. It ain’t worth it to be landing up in here again (jail). This time I’m going to stay clean.
Missed opportunities during change talk Not listening Expert focus/trap gathering information Hot on a trail (Going to “why”) Not “recognizing” what change talk is Not directive enough (wondering focus) Not knowing how to respond to change talk
How Motivational Interviewing is directive (TOWARD evoking change talk): E: Eliciting, Elaboration A: Affirming R: Reflection S: Summarizing E.A.R.S!
Responding to change talk: EARS! Elaborating:In what way? Tell me more… What else? Affirming: That took a lot of courage. You’re a person who can make changes when you need to. Reflecting:That’s really important to you. You realize it’s become a problem. Summarizing:There are a number of things I’m hearing about your situation. First, you’re concerned about… Also, you feel… and you are thinking…