Unit 3: Industrialization of the U.S., Unit 4: The Progressive Movement,
Radical Reconstruction: South split into 5 military districts, must grant African American males the right to vote, ratify 14 th Amendment. Compromise of 1877: Ends Reconstruction, federal troops removed from South.
Constitutional Amendments: 13 th : Abolished slavery (Free) 14 th : Granted citizenship (Citizens) 15 th : Universal male suffrage (Vote)
Whites used black codes, secret societies (KKK), poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and Jim Crow Laws to limit blacks’ civil liberties.
New business developments (corporations, monopolies, trusts) led to innovations: Telephone Light bulb Bessemer Process Assembly line
“Old Immigration”: 1600’s-1850: Irish, German, Africans “New Immigration”: : Eastern Europe, Asia Industrial workers Cities, ghettos
Consumer Protection – Pure Food and Drug Act Poverty – Settlement Houses, housing reform Temperance & Prohibition – 18 th Amendment Women’s Suffrage – 19 th Amendment
Initiative Referendum Recall Direct primary
Drive for markets and raw materials! Social Darwinism/White Man’s Burden Manifest Destiny
Neutrality to Imperialism: Spanish-American War (1898) Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines Hawaii (1898)
Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Roosevelt Corollary : U.S. is “international police” in Latin America “Big Stick” Policy Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary : U.S. is “international police” in Latin America “Big Stick” Policy Panama Canal World War I (1917) Espionage & Sedition Acts Schenck v. United States Fourteen Points World War I (1917) Espionage & Sedition Acts Schenck v. United States Fourteen Points