Curators’ Meeting | January 28, 2011 Advancing Missouri’s Health
School of Dentistry (1881) School of Pharmacy (1885) School of Medicine (1971) School of Nursing (1979) Hospital Hill Health Sciences Schools: Collaboration with Volker Campus Schools: - Unique Campus - Inter-professional Training - Research Collaboration School of Biological Sciences College of Arts & Sciences Computing and Engineering Bloch School of Management Pre-Med, Pre-Den, Pre-Phar, etc. Bio Medical Engr., Bio Informatics, etc Business, Entrepreneurship - Preparing to excel in health care delivery -
SchoolStudentsGrads% MORes.FacultyAdjunctsPreceptors School of Dentistry % School of Pharmacy % School of Medicine % School of Nursing1, %87375 Total2,884584>60% ,747 Advancing Missouri’s Health “UMKC graduates are ready to work day-one”
Other Urban Affiliates: Center for Behavioral Medicine Veterans Administration Medical Center Research Medical Center UMKC’s Primary Urban Affiliates: UMKC and Affiliates deliver $150 million in uncompensated care Advancing Missouri’s Health AffiliateBedsAdmitsOP VisitsER Visits Children’s Mercy Hospital31715,236289,832141,001 Truman Medical Centers40418,085219,53836,112 Saint Luke’s Hospital56719,599284,83992,584 Total1,28852,920994,209269,697 UMKC students receive training in over 600 additional sites
Advancing Missouri’s Health Physicians Nurses Dentists/Dental Hygienists Pharmacists UMKC at Work: Sch. Work In MO Rural TrainNote SOD1,1244 wks 2/3 MO DDS, Top 5, 63K visits SOP647Part/Sr. Yr. 30 grads in MU, MSU next SOM1,07330 days 6 yr Med, Appt – KU, Wash U SON308 Grad. – 65 hrs 1200 vs 900 clinical hrs, KU top pick UMKC is Serving across Missouri
Academic UnitCaring for MissouriansOutcomes School of Dentistry $2M Developed post-baccalaureate program to recruit diverse student candidates from MO; 17 students. School of Pharmacy $2.1MIncreased enrollment by 30 students who will graduate in 2014/2015 School of Medicine $5.4M Increased recruitment for BA/MD program; reduced student attrition; implemented pipeline projects to attract rural students. 15 students. School of Nursing $1.7MAdmitted 20 students and added 15 permanent slots (BSN and PhD). Advancing Missouri’s Health Continued and sustainable support for Caring for Missourians is essential UMKC received $11.2 million of the $33.6 million to 13 Schools
Health Sciences Research: $26.5M in grants and contracts in 2010 College of Arts and Sciences Psychology: Jeannette Berkley Patton - HIV testing in African American churches (urban) Delwin Catley - Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation Kathy Goggin - Health disparities among African Americans (urban) David Martinez - HIV stigma reduction and screening in Hispanic churches School of Dentistry: Melanie Simmer-Beck. Miles of Smiles – access to oral health care on site, in elementary schools Lynda Bonewald - Muscle bone endocrine axis – relief of some health challenges for the elderly David Eick - Bone and tissue repair and regeneration Jeffrey Gorski - SKI-1 deficiency and birth paralysis School of Medicine: Hong-Wen Ding - Genetic indicators of osteoporosis risk Peter Koulen - Steroid hormones protect cells from damage or death Charles Van Way III - Early treatment of shock symptoms School of Nursing: Jacqueline Witt - Family planning Marco Brotto – muscle, bone, and endocrine research (SON, SOD, SOM collaboration) Advancing Missouri’s Health