Place Value Concepts Unit of Study 12: Critical FCAT Review Areas Global Concept Guide: 1 of 3
Content Development When creating the Critical FCAT Review, we identified the areas third grade students have previously struggled. Utilize current formal (Form 2 and Mock FCAT) and informal data when making instructional decisions. You may see other areas to address or choose to place higher emphasis on other topics based on your students’ data. Please note the reporting categories and the weight each category holds on the FCAT. Numbers: Operations, Problems, and Statistics50% Geometry and Measurement30% Fractions20%
Content Development Place Value through Hundred Thousands Make sure all problems are introduced in a real world context as this will be the format used on FCAT. Ensure that students can flexibly represent numbers using models and/or numbers. Allow students to continue using base ten blocks as needed, gradually moving them towards pictorial representations. 154 could be: 1 hundred 5 tens 4 ones 154 could be: 0 hundred 15 tens 4 ones 154 could be: 1 hundred 4 tens 14 ones
Content Development Estimation Make sure all problems are introduced in a real world context as this will be the format used on FCAT. Continue to teach rounding conceptually. Avoid teaching short- cuts as this may hinder students’ understanding. Using number lines is an effective strategy to build conceptual understanding. Students also need to be able to identify a range of numbers that their estimate falls between. Front-End Estimation is not an acceptable strategy. 4,000 5,000 4,823 4,823 is closer to 5,000 than 4,000.
Content Development Addition and Subtraction Make sure all problems are introduced in a real world context as this will be the format used on FCAT. Make sure to continue to teach addition and subtraction together showing they are inverse operations, not teaching each in isolation. Build conceptual understanding of regrouping. Avoid simply showing the algorithm before regrouping is understood and avoid using the term “borrow”. Students can be given a variety of representations to solve addition and subtraction problems including tables and graphs. Make sure to continue to provide opportunities for students with these types of problems.
Differentiation Reteach Group Several Lesson Ideas are provided within this GCG. Suggestions are made below on how each can be used within the classroom. Review each activity and choose the one that fits best with your students. The below lessons are suggested for the Reteach group. Three Other Ways (Reteach, Core, and Enrich) Three Other Ways The Great Round Up! (Reteach) The Great Round Up! Field Day Fun (Core and Reteach) Field Day Fun How Many Ways ? (Core and Reteach) How Many Ways ? Value System(Core and Reteach) Value System
Differentiation Core Group Several Lesson Ideas are provided within this GCG. Suggestions are made below on how each can be used within the classroom. Review each activity and choose the one that fits best with your students. The below lessons are suggested for the Core group. Three Other Ways (Enrich, Core, and Reteach) Three Other Ways Field Day Fun (Core and Reteach) Field Day Fun I Have a Story, You Have a Story (Core and Enrich) I Have a Story, You Have a Story How Many Ways ? (Core and Reteach) How Many Ways ? Clear the Math (Core and Enrich) Clear the Math And the Winning Number Is… (Core and Enrich) And the Winning Number Is… Value System(Core and Reteach) Value System
Differentiation Enrich Group Several Lesson Ideas are provided within this GCG. Suggestions are made below on how each can be used within the classroom. Review each activity and choose the one that fits best with your students. The below lessons are suggested for the Enrich group. Three Other Ways (Enrich, Core, and Reteach) Three Other Ways I Have a Story, You Have a Story (Core and Enrich) I Have a Story, You Have a Story Clear the Math (Core and Enrich) Clear the Math And the Winning Number Is… (Core and Enrich) And the Winning Number Is…