A New Approach to Dementia Care in Hospitals Phil Pordes Privacy & Dignity Matron
The way it was … Good care was inconsistent across wards and departments No identified senior clinician to lead on quality improvement Environment not conducive to those with cognitive impairment Training and education for staff was limited
The Dementia Care Pathway Group The creation of a pathway Training and education Leadership The environment Patient and carer engagement
ACHIEVEMENTS Care Pathway / Guidelines Recommendations 3 & 7 Electronic dementia care pathway in the form of user-friendly guidelines and prompts Guidance taken from NICE, the National Dementia Strategy, lessons learned through complaints, and local and national best practice Pathway covers: Their first 24 hours in hospital Their in-patient stay Discharge planning KEY Involve patients, carers, family and friends in the care planning process from admission
Training and Education Recommendation 5 “Respect” course Customer care training programme Study days Links to Cheshire East Links to Cheshire Hospice Education Learning and development Job swap!
Leadership Clinical lead identified Recommendations 3 & 5 Clinical lead identified Close relationship with liaison psychiatry Executive support Financial investment
Environment 1 Coloured doors Signage Recommendation 6 Coloured doors “I always look for the colour when I come back from the toilet.” Patient B with no cognitive impairment Signage Patient A – with dementia – reported not being able to find the toilet before the signage was installed, resulting in frequent incontinence which has now resolved as she is able to find her own way to the toilet and return to her bedside Nurse A reported that less time is spent directing visitors within the ward
Environment 2 Communication friendly menus Memory aids Activity Lounge Recommendation 6 Communication friendly menus Memory aids Activity Lounge Increased privacy,dignity and autonomy reported by patients and visitors/families
Patient and Carer Engagement Recommendation 7 Complaints feedback / meetings Patient carer representation Outside links
OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS Nutrition Recommendations 8 & 9 Nutritional guidelines Protected mealtimes ‘Red Plate’ scheme Volunteer feeders Relative involvement
Staff Awareness OPERA magazine Privacy and Dignity roadshows Audit (Essence of Care, Dignity Challenge) Dementia tea party Privacy and Dignity policy
What next? To meet future challenges Be innovative Build upon what we have achieved so far Share best practice East Cheshire signage to be used by NWSHA at conference in Bolton in December
Thank you … … for listening. Questions?