©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Study Skills Topic 13 Preparing & Taking Exams PowerPoint by JoAnn Yaworski
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Studying for Exams Preparing for Exams Taking Objective Exams Taking Essay Exams
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Finding Out about the Test What skills does the test measure? What types of questions are included? How many questions will be on the exam? Are there any time limits? How will the test be scored? Will it be essay, take-home, or objective?
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Organizing Your Time Review at least one week in advance. Make a list of all chapters, notes, and instructor’s handouts and divide the material by topics. Plan a specific time to review each topic. Reserve time the night before to do a complete review.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Will I Be Able to Learn From a Study Group? Will a group study force me to become are involved with the course content? Will discussing the material help me to learn? Am I able to explain ideas to someone else? Will I be able to prevent a study group from turning into a social event? Will the people I choose to study with come to the group session prepared?
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Preparing for Exams Attend the class before the review to receive additional information about the exam. Attend review classes. Determine what the exam will cover. Condense course information into study sheets. Use index cards. Make up exam questions and answer them. Review previous exams and quizzes.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Constructing Review Questions Include: Knowledge and comprehension questions Application Questions Analysis questions Synthesis questions Evaluation questions
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. How to Prepare Study Sheets Summarize complex information such as: Theories and principles. Events with multiple causes and effects. Controversial issues. Philosophical issues. Trends in ideas or data. Groups of related facts.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. How to Test Yourself Review each study sheet several times. Ask questions at the various levels of thinking. Mark information that you find difficult. Predict which questions will be on the exam. Verify your answers from the information in you text and notes.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Using Index Cards You can write the names of terms, laws, principles, or concepts on the front of the card and facts/details on the back. You can look at the front and try to recall what is on the back. Advantages of using index cards: Writing helps you to learn. Cards are more effective than lists of material. You can sort or shuffle the cards to avoid memorizing information in a fixed order. You can carry the cards with you and study them in spare moments.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Predicting Exam Questions Look for major exam topics in your course syllabus or textbook’s table of contents and/or chapter divisions. Group or categorize the information in your notes. Look at previous exams for clues to important topics. Make note of the instructor’s comments concerning the exam. Predict possible essay questions and write out full answers in complete sentences. Use key words to help you remember main ideas.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Preparing for Open-book & Take-home Exams Create study sheets to organize your information. Include both textbook and lecture notes. Write page references from you textbook. If there is only one question, your answer should be similar to a research paper. Ask the instructor to clarify the length, format, and sources of the exam.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Skills for Objective Exams Pay close attention to the directions and follow them exactly. Preview the exam and plan your time. Answer every question if there are no penalties for incorrect responses. Don’t change answers without a good reason. Check over your answers before you turn in your exam. On a true/false exam, qualifying words sometimes determine whether the statement is true or false. Example: all, none, never, always, only
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Answering Essay Questions Analyze the question to make sure you understand what it is asking. Identify the organizational pattern the question suggests (e.g., List four factors…; Summarize the techniques…; Compare and contrast…). Write your key words for each question and construct an outline on a scrap piece of paper. If a question has multiple parts, make sure to answer every part. Write a clear thesis statement. State and develop your main points. Proofread your answer.
©2003 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers. Visit the Longman Study Skills Web Site