Twelve Angry Men By Reginal Rose
The Case Teenage boy is on trial for the murder of his father. The boy supposedly stabbed his father to death. Teenage boy is on trial for the murder of his father. The boy supposedly stabbed his father to death. There were two witnesses to the murder who testified during the trial. There were two witnesses to the murder who testified during the trial.
Witness #1 The old man who lived on the second floor under the room where the murder took place. The old man who lived on the second floor under the room where the murder took place. The old man heard loud noises and then heard “I’m going to kill you” in the upstairs apartment. A second later, he heard a body falling. The old man heard loud noises and then heard “I’m going to kill you” in the upstairs apartment. A second later, he heard a body falling. He saw the kid running down the stairs and out of the house. He saw the kid running down the stairs and out of the house.
Witness #2 “Here’s a woman who’s lying in bed. She can’t sleep. It’s hot.And right across the street, she sees the kid stick his knife into his father’s chest. Look, she has known the kid all his life. And she swore she saw him do it. “ “Here’s a woman who’s lying in bed. She can’t sleep. It’s hot.And right across the street, she sees the kid stick his knife into his father’s chest. Look, she has known the kid all his life. And she swore she saw him do it. “
12 Angry Men 1:18-2:30 12AM movie 1:18-2:30 12AM movie 1) What is their task? 1) What is their task? 2) Where will they run into problems? 2) Where will they run into problems?
Reginald Rose: born December Reginald Rose: born December 10, 1920 – died April 19, 2002 He was an American film and television writer He was an American film and television writer wrote about controversial issues wrote about controversial issues helped create the genre of television drama of the 1950’s. helped create the genre of television drama of the 1950’s. 12 Angry Men is an adaptation of the television production. 12 Angry Men is an adaptation of the television production. Reginald Rose
Twelve Angry Men Rose served on the jury of a murder case. Some of the events are true. Rose served on the jury of a murder case. Some of the events are true. “the moment I walked into the “the moment I walked into the courtroom… and found myself facing a strange man whose fate was suddenly more or less in my hands, my entire attitude changed.” 3) What is something that happened to you that you have wanted to write about?
From the stage to the screen Twelve Angry Men was published as a stage play in 1955 and a film Twelve Angry Men was published as a stage play in 1955 and a film The film won Academy Award nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing, and Screenplay The film won Academy Award nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing, and Screenplay
Historical Context: The 1950s A socially conservative time A socially conservative time People were very materialistic: People were very materialistic: The American Dream The American Dream Juvenile delinquency at an all- time high Juvenile delinquency at an all- time high racial discrimination racial discrimination Comics, Baseball, TVs were popular Comics, Baseball, TVs were popular
1957, New York Last year in the 10 year “ GOLDEN AGE ” of Baseball Last year in the 10 year “ GOLDEN AGE ” of Baseball In 1947, women could be on juries on a voluntary basis In 1947, women could be on juries on a voluntary basis Boxing and Baseball are the hot sports Boxing and Baseball are the hot sports
4) What image do you like? Why?
Khrushchev (pg.50) Soviet Union Communist leader Soviet Union Communist leader Communist scare- spreading communism Communist scare- spreading communism
Dempsey-Firpo Fight (pg.42) Famous boxing fight that took place in Famous boxing fight that took place in 1923.
J. Walter Thompson (pg.68) advertising agent in the early 1900 ’ s advertising agent in the early 1900 ’ s "father of modern magazine advertising” "father of modern magazine advertising”
Clarence Darrow (pg.70) Famous American lawyer Famous American lawyer
Themes in the play… The fragility (not strong or stable) of justice The fragility (not strong or stable) of justice Oversoming class and race prejudice Oversoming class and race prejudice Equality of All Equality of All Social Responsibility Social Responsibility 5) Pick one of these and write three sentences about the theme.
Integrity 6) What is integrity in your own words? How does this apply to being a juror? in·teg·ri·ty /in ˈ tegritē/ Noun: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
What ’ s a Trial? There are several parts to a trial. There are several parts to a trial. Jury Selection Jury Selection Opening statements Opening statements Prosecution ’ s case ( “ good guy ” ) Prosecution ’ s case ( “ good guy ” ) Defense ’ s case (the defendant “ bad guy ” ) Defense ’ s case (the defendant “ bad guy ” ) Closing statements Closing statements Jury instructions Jury instructions Jury deliberation and verdict Jury deliberation and verdict
Important terms to know: Burden of proof: the person who makes the claim must prove the claim (prosecution) Burden of proof: the person who makes the claim must prove the claim (prosecution) Due process of law: all of the legal rights of a person- do it by the book Due process of law: all of the legal rights of a person- do it by the book Presumption of innocence: the defendant is legally innocent until he or she is proven guilty Presumption of innocence: the defendant is legally innocent until he or she is proven guilty
REASONABLE DOUBT “ beyond a reasonable doubt ” is the term the court uses “ beyond a reasonable doubt ” is the term the court uses Simply put, this means that there is no doubt, in a reasonable person ’ s mind, that the defendant is guilty. Simply put, this means that there is no doubt, in a reasonable person ’ s mind, that the defendant is guilty. Most importantly used in murder cases including the death penalty Most importantly used in murder cases including the death penalty the evidence presented is air-tight the evidence presented is air-tight
Reflection: 8) What muddles, complicates or gets in the way of justice? Explain your answer.
Act 1 in a jury room in a jury room Jurors 7 and 10 ridicule the defendants story. Others agree. Jurors 7 and 10 ridicule the defendants story. Others agree. Juror 8 votes “not guilty.” Juror 8 votes “not guilty.” The jurors discuss the facts of the case. The jurors discuss the facts of the case. There is a call for a secret vote. There is a call for a secret vote. What do you think will be the result? What do you think will be the result?