TELEPHONE INTERVIEW Second step, gives company chance to check you out. Make sure you have _______________contact info on resume (phone and address) Have identifying ___________________on your answering machine greeting Make sure others in your residence know that you may be receiving an important call. Keep a record of the _______________resumes were sent to
TELEPHONE INTERVIEW Return ________________ as soon as possible Give full _________and __________ applying for Leave a voice mail message if contact is missed When making contact with you, most will ask if you have time to talk. Make sure phone battery is charged and no or little extraneous _____________
TELEPHONE INTERVIEW Be sure to write down ____________(and others if a conference call) After call, _______________________
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview Research______________________ Dress appropriately Arrive _________________minutes early Be courteous to everyone (recept, sec,etc) Bring extra resumes Greet interviewer by title (Dr, Mr, Ms). Make sure of____________________
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview ____________________firmly Don’t sit until offered a chair Sit up _______________and lean slightly forward Don’t cross your legs Don’t fiddle with hair, fingers, pen, etc. Make __________________contact
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview Don’t tell jokes Don’t smoke or chew gum Avoid using poor ____________and slang Avoid controversial topics Don’t ________________the interviewer Don’t become too familiar
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview Avoid _______________about former jobs, people and Yourself. Don’t lie Don’t over ______________questions but don’t answer with simple yes and no Don’t discuss ________________matters Do show that you researched the company
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview Turn cell phone off Don’t inquire about_____________, vacation, bonuses, retirement, etc until AFTER you receive an offer Do ask ________________ questions about the job, company or industry Ask for business cards from those you meet
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview Write down notes immediately after the interview Send _____________________within 24 hours to each person you interview with
Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview Especially important points Show _________________ in the position and company Use a strong voice. Shows confidence Be sure to present your strong points Close the interview by telling the interviewer that __________________and what’s the next step?