Waste Treatment Waste treatment techniques are used to change the physical, chemical or biological character of the waste, to reduce its volume and/or toxicity and to make the waste safer for disposal.
How is waste being generated? Raw Material Acquisition Material Processing Product Manufacture Product Use or Consumption Disposal Waste Waste Waste Waste Waste generated in the life cycle of a product
Type of waste Domestic Waste Construction Waste Commercial Waste Industrial Waste
Waste load in HK [1] Waste Classification in HK Municipal solid waste Domestic waste Commercial waste Industrial waste Construction & demolition (C&D) waste Chemical waste Special waste (e.g. clinical waste, radioactive waste) Other solid wastes
Waste load in HK [2] Quantity of waste The quantities of major types of solid waste disposed of in Hong Kong (1986-1999)
Waste load in HK [3] Composition of waste Major components of domestic waste disposed of in Hong Kong
Reasons for waste reduction Landfill capacity Cost of waste managements Costs of waste facilities Costs of landfill restoration Social costs Environmental cost Economic value of the waste itself Economic development
Treatment of Solid Waste Disposing in the landfills Burning in the incinerator Composting Recycling of recyclable waste Why do we need treatment of waste ? Because managing the waste properly helps to avoid adverse environmental and public health consequence. Ocean dumping
In Incinerators of conventional design, refuse is burned on moving grates in refractory-lined chambers; Combustible gases and the solids they carry are burned in secondary chambers. Combustion is 85 to 90 % complete for the combustible materials. In addition to heat, the products of incineration include the normal primary products of combustion: - carbon dioxide and water-as well as oxides of sulphur and nitrogen and other gaseous pollutants; - nongaseous products are fly ash and unburned solid residue. Emissions of fly ash and other particles are often controlled by wet scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, and bag filters.
In a Modern Landfill, refuse is spread in thin layers, each of which is compacted by a bulldozer before the next is spread. When about 3 m of refuse has been laid down, it is covered by a thin layer of clean earth, which also is compacted. Pollution of surface and groundwater is minimized by : 1.Lining and contouring the fill, 2.Compacting and planting the cover, 3.Selecting proper soil, 4.Diverting upland drainage, and 5.Placing wastes in sites not subject to flooding or high groundwater levels. Gases are generated in landfills through anaerobic decomposition of organic solid waste. If a significant amount of methane is present, it may be explosive; proper venting(making holes) eliminates this problem.
Composting Operations of solid wastes include preparing refuse and degrading organic matter by aerobic microorganisms. Refuse is presorted, to remove materials that might have salvage value or cannot be composted, Then it is ground up to improve the efficiency of the decomposition process. The refuse is degraded biologically to a humus with a total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content of 1 to 3 %, depending on the material being composted. After about three weeks, the product is ready for curing, mixing with additives, bagging, and marketing.
Composting In Garden Air Some soil Water kitchen wastes leaves grass clippings Air Water Some soil fertilizer
What is Recycling ? Recycling is the act of recovering a waste material for reuse and processing into another useful product. Recycling include collection, processing, and procurement or reuse of the recovered materials. All three activities must be completed in order to make recycling programs effective.
Recyclable Waste Metals e.g.Aluminium cans Waste paper like newspaper Plastic and glass bottles
- Paper should be separated from other waste in homes and offices for recycling. - Re-usable items get thrown away, such as this wood used to decorate an office or flat. - Refrigerators and other appliances contain metals that could be recycled.
Burning in the incinerator
Waste Reduction in the present Waste separation facilities are now available in all public housing estates and many private residential developments. Government has provided land to facilitate the operation of the waste collection and recycling industry.
Waste Reduction in the future The Waste Reduction Committee was established earlier this year. Its target is to double the overall rate of municipal waste reduction and recycling by 2007. As for collecting a waste disposal fee, the Government will put forward a proposal for a landfill charging scheme shortly. From 99 Policy Address
Recycling In 2000, 8% of recoverable domestic waste was recycled in Hong Kong. The government will seek funding in the coming year to construct new waste separation facilities. The government will also encourage the new District Councils to explore ways to increase the recovery rate of reusable materials in collaboration with the business sector and local communities.
Waste to Energy The government are restoring old landfill sites at a cost of $2.3 billion and are seeking to turn the combustible gases into energy. The government will be consulting the community in the coming year on proposals for new waste management facilities, including waste-to-energy incinerators.
Waste Reduction Framework Plan [1] Targets Diverting 58% of municipal solid waste from landfills by 2007 (compared with 30% in 1997). Extending the life span of the existing landfills from 2015 to 2019 Diverting 84% of Construction and Demolition (C&D) material from landfills by 2007 (compared with 80% in 1997) Extending the life span of the existing landfills by further 6 months
Waste Reduction Framework Plan [2] Scope To extend the life-span of the strategic landfills To minimize the amount of waste produced that requires disposal; To conserve the earth’s non-renewable resources; To increase the waste recycling rate To identify the true costs of waste management in order to maximize efficiency and minimize the cost of collection, treatment and disposal of wastes; To improve the institutional arrangement
Waste Reduction Framework Plan [3] Three Main Areas of the Plan Prevention of Waste Programme Institutional Programme Waste Bulk Reduction Programme
Waste Management in HK [1] Waste Management Hierarchy (source: EPD website, 2001 http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwewilldo/www02.htm)
Waste Management in HK [2] Facilities of Waste Management Landfills
Waste Management in HK [3] Landfills - filling refuse in constructed areas Typical Landfill (Source: EPD website, 2001 http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwehavedone/wms/sland/l_f_sect.htm)
Waste Management in HK [4] Refuse Truck Unloading at Tipping Face in Landfill (Source: EPD website, 2001 http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwehavedone/wms/sland/l_fillop.htm)
Waste Management in HK [5] Refuse Transfer Stations - Collect and compact municipal waste for further transport to landfills Locations of Operating RTSs (source: EPD website, 2001 http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwehavedone/wms/rts.htm)
Waste Management in HK [6] Operation of Refuse Transfer Station (Source: : EPD website,2001 http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwehavedone/wms/rts.htm)
Waste Management in HK [7] Chemical Waste Treatment Centre - Centre for treating chemical wastes CWTC in Tsing Yi (Source: EPD website, 20001 http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwehavedone/wms/cwtc.htm)
Discussion What wastes are generated from our home and schools? What can be recycled? How much? How to? How to reduce waste in our daily life? What would it be if all the current landfills are fully filled? Is there any effective alternatives for waste treatment?
Relevant Websites [1] Environmental Protection Department (http://www.info.gov.hk/epd) Waste Facilities Business Unit (WFBU) (http://www.info.gov.hk/epd/waste) Strategic Landfills (http://info.gov.hk/wfbu/whatwehavedone/wms/ms01.htm#landfill)
Relevant Websites [2] Waste Reduction Committee (WRC) (http://www.info.gov.hk/wrc/) Waste Reduction Framework Plan (WRFP) (http://info.gov.hk/wrc/main_framework.htm) Directory of Recovery/Recycling Companies in Hong Kong (http://info.gov.hk/wrc/collst/000821/engweb4a/start.html) Outlets for Used Items (http://info.gov.hk/wrc/main_useditem.htm)
Relevant Websites [3] Locations of Waste Separation Bins at Public Areas (http://www.info.gov.hk/fehd/pleasant_environment/cleansing/collect.htm) Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) (http://www.ecc.org.hk/) Green Power (http://user.hk.linkage.net/~greenpow/html/new/e-index.html)
Waste treatment in the U.S. Solid Waste Reduction Incineration can be used to treat and destroy combustible materials in transuranic, low-level, and some mixed waste. Compaction is a means of reducing the volume of noncombustible waste by compressing it into a smaller, denser waste form. http://www.em.doe.gov/em30/wasttrea.html
By a calcining process, liquid waste can be solidified Solidification processes The New Waste Calcining Facility converts high-level liquid waste into calcine. The granular end product is transported through pipes to stainless steel bins. The bins are encased in underground vaults.
Waste treatment in the Japan Incineration Recycling
Waste Incinerator and Heat Collection System System flow diagram of the incinerator
A Recycling Plant
Relevant websites Waste treatment in Japan http://www.greenpeace.org/ http://www.info.gov.hk/epd/E/ehk99/home/chinese/ccontnt7.htm Waste reduction campaign http://www.soc.titech.ac.jp/uem/waste/waste.html http://www.em.doe.gov/em30/wasttrea.html
Littering problem in Hong Kong The underlying attitudes that lead to antisocial behaviour. Education, and acceptable methods of modifying antisocial behaviour. The impact of law enforcement via litter warder and litter courts. The school environment as a starting point.
The end