A Consulting Project
About Me Blog:
Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Planning Poker
Burndown Chart
Agile Practices Frequent Source Control Check Ins Continuous Integration Test Driven
mb + -= What Is Silverlight?
Partial CQRS
Multiparadigmatic Programming Procedural Object Oriented Functional Dynamic Meta Parallel?
The Velocity Team
Velocity Cake!
Why Consulting? You’re an asset, not a cost. Get to change jobs with career continuity Bit of a buffer betwe
Why Sogeti Consulting? Compensation for extra hours worked Training and software costs covered (soft skills, technical books, etc.) Bench Buffer between gigs Choice of Travel Benefits of full employment with variety of contracting
Take these Classes! 4345 Software engineering principles 4346 Software engineering design project 5314 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 5319 Software Architecture and Design 5330 File Organization and Database Management 5340 Service Oriented Solutions 5345 Advanced application programming 5382 Computer graphics
Getting Hired: Do Some of this Open Source Project Contrib Show multiple strengths Be a team player Project work a plus