Atmospheric Neutrinos Stefan Söldner-Rembold University of Manchester 19 December 2013 19 December 2013
Atmospheric Neutrinos Provide complementary results with other neutrino sources. Increase precision of global fits of neutrino parameters. Tools to search for new physics. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold Three Questions arXiv:1312.2878, see talk by E. Lisi Is θ23 mixing maximal and which is the right octant ? Is the mass hierarchy normal or inverted ? 3) Is δCP > 0 ? 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
Neutrino Propagation in the Earth ν ν ν Preliminary Reference Earth Model Atmospheric neutrinos interact with Earth’s mantle and core. - MSW effect alters oscillation properties (energy, electron density, MH and flavour dependent). - “parametric enhancement” at Core/Mantle interface. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold MSW Effect +: neutrinos -: anti-neutrinos CC interactions Effective mixing angle in matter: Resonance condition for - neutrinos in normal hierarchy. - anti-neutrinos in inverted hierarchy. depends on energy and density profile. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold MSW Effect in the Earth SK cos θ cos θ Energy Energy Distortions for cos θ < -0.5 and at 10 GeV caused by MSW effect arXiv:1310.6677 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold Neutrino Energies Super-K Deep Core IceCube 10 MeV 100 MeV 1 GeV 10 GeV 100 GeV 1 TeV 10 TeV 100 TeV 1 PeV 10 PeV ANITA Borexino KamLAND Double Chooz Daya Bay SNO PINGU Fill gap in intermediate energy region in region of MSW resonance effects. Several future experiments: INO, PINGU, Hyper-K, LBNE.. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold Super-Kamiokande Water Cherenkov Detector located in Mozumi Mine, Kamioka, Japan 50,000t of water 11,146 PMTs First observation of muon-neutrino deficit due to oscillations in 1993 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
Super-Kamiokande (SKI-IV) red: un-oscillated blue: best oscillation fit 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold ντ Appearance (SK) Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 181802 (2013) fitted signal in grey Unambiguous evidence for oscillations (νμ ντ) since not present in source. 2806 day running period. Energy threshold E > 3.5 GeV. Reconstruct hadronic tau decays using neural network. 3.8 standard deviation significance (complements OPERA result) 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold MINOS see presentation by C. Backhouse 5,400 ton Far Detector Alternating layers of steel calorimeter and plastic scintillator. Magnetized for charge identification 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
MINOS Beam/Atmospheric Data 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
MINOS Combined Analysis 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold Future Experiments 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
Indian Neutrino Observatory Located in Madurai City, Tamil Nadu 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold ICAL@INO Iron sampling calorimeter (ICAL) with Resistive Plate Chamber (RPCs) as active component. 50,000 t of iron. 1.3-1.5 T magnetic field for charge identification and momentum reconstruction Pre-project activities approved. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold INO Sensitivity arXiv: 1303.2534 sin2 2θ13 = 0.12, 0.1, 0.08 and sin2θ23 = 0.5. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold PINGU Extension of IceCube located at the South Pole. 40 strings with 60 PINGU Digital Optical Modules (PDOMs) per string. Design still being optimised. In-fills DeepCore in clearest ice at bottom centre of IceCube. Effective mass about 3Mt for energies > 5 GeV 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold PINGU μ direction 4.4 GeV νµ Nγ: circle size tγ: colour PINGU Digital Optical Module: HQE PMT, electronics, pressure vessel. Very similar to IceCube DOM. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold MH Signature Need good energy and angular resolution. Energy + = Pattern A NH IH + = Pattern B cos(θ) Diagonals are lines of constant L/E 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
“Distinguishability” Parametrized reconstruction, PID: tracks Parametrized reconstruction, PID: cascades With realistic particle identification No systematics 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold PINGU Consistent results from different statistical techniques, includes systematics (mainly energy scale, cross sections). First vs second octant First octant only Expect 1.75 standard deviations after first year of data. Reach 3 standard deviations in roughly 3 years. PINGU currently being considered by P5 in the US – will possibly be part of a larger NSF facility at South Pole. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold KM3NeT/ORCA 1000 optical modules with 6 m spacing, over 50 strings. Semi random pattern in a circular footprint. Mean distance between strings is 20 m. - Instrumented volume: 1.8 Mton not being pursued ? 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold LBNE LBNE Far Detector needs to be underground for atmospheric neutrino detection. see talk by R. Wilson Data taking to start around 2025 Liquid Argon TPC ArgoNeuT 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold LBNE 35 kt x 10 yrs = 350 kt-yrs arXiv:1307.7335 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold LBNE arXiv:1307.7335 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold Hyper-Kamiokande arXiv:1109.3262 8 km south of SK Total mass: 1 Mt Fiducial mass: 560 kt (25 times SK) 99,000 inner detector PMTs (20’’) Data taking expected to start 2023 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
Sensitivity to Mass Hierarchy 10 years of data Lowest sensitivity for first octant. arXiv:1309.0184 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
Sensitivity to θ23 Octant 10 years of data 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
Mass Hierarchy Bottom Line plus Hyper-K with > 3 sigma around 2033. arXiv:1311.1822 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold
NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold Summary Atmospheric neutrinos are a unique source of information, complementary to neutrino long-baseline beam results. Several next-generation experiments based on (frozen) water (PINGU, Hyper-K), liquid argon (LBNE) or iron sampling calorimeters (INO) are currently being designed. These experiments have potential to determine neutrino mass hierarchy and to constrain θ23 , providing, among others, important input for δCP determinations. 19 December 2013 NuPhys 2013 - Söldner-Rembold