“Sustainable Growth” Creation of New Growth Engine through Green Growth New Approaches and Solutions for Consultancy Business Innovation COPYRIGHT(C)2010 DONGHO CO., LTD. DONGHO CO., LTD., KOREA
Company Profile Established in 1989, Dongho has accumulated numerous experience and technology on design. We have over 530 employees, 90 % of whom are engineers, We provide a full range of engineering and consulting services from the very first stage of engineering project up to implementation. We offer the best design with rich experiences and in- house knowledge, under mutual cooperation with other engineering sectors. Dongho always tries its effort to guarantee the best quality of product as well as customers’ satisfaction. ABOUT US, DONGHO CO., LTD.
Organization & Services Chairman Civil Work Division Vice Chairman President Overseas Project Department Road SupportingDivision Management Supporting Part Urban Planning & Development Division Site Engineering Division Tourism & Landscape Division Water Supply & Sewage Division Water Resources Division Plant Division EnvironmentDivision R&D Center EngineeringTechnology Research Institute Transportation & Logistics Research Institute Structure GeotechnicalEngineering Consulting,EngineeringServices Concept design & Pre-investment Study Concept design & Pre-investment Study Feasibility study & Master plan Feasibility study & Master plan Preliminary & Detailed Engineering Design Preliminary & Detailed Engineering Design Construction Management, Quality Control and Capacity Building Construction Management, Quality Control and Capacity Building
ConsultancyBusinessInnovation International Top Agenda What is the top agenda? World Trend Why has the trend happened? Action of International Society How can we deal with the issues? Sustainable Growth Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Environment Conservation I. Introduction Sustainable Economic Development
II. IDENTIFICATION of GREEN GROWTH 1 What is the green growth ? 2 Why is the green growth needed?
1. What is the green growth? New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Green growth is sustainable growth which reduces GHG and environmental pollution, and is a paradigm shift toward national development to create new growth engine and new jobs with green technologies and clean energies Sustainable Growth Green Industries Economic Growth Economic Growth Creation of Green Jobs Creation of Green Jobs High Efficiency Energy Energy Security Energy Security Overcome of Energy Crisis Overcome of Energy Crisis Reduction of Pollution Load Ensuring Ecological Safety and Ensuring Ecological Safety and Improving Environmental Quality Improving Environmental Quality
GREENGROWTH Green Growth gives shape to coexistence of environment and economy Economic development does not destroy environment anymore. Environment is a new engine for economic growth New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Green Technologies Green Technologies Green Industries Green Industries Decoupling economic development and environment damages Decoupling economic development and environment damages Eco-efficiency Eco-efficiency
2. Why is the green growth needed ? New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Green Competition has begun to Predominate the green market to Predominate the green market Green Growth is needed to deal with environmental & resource crisis, and To create a new growth engine National competitiveness in the future depends on how to counter environment and energy problems. Environmental Crisis caused by Climate Change Environmental Crisis caused by Climate Change Unbalanced demand and supply of energy, high level of foreign energy dependency Unbalanced demand and supply of energy, high level of foreign energy dependency Steady increase of demand on energy, high level of foreign energy dependency Steady increase of demand on energy, high level of foreign energy dependency Increase of greenhouse gas due to fossil fuels Weaken economy growth rate GREEN GROWTH is not a CHOICE, but a MUST !
1 Green Technologies Development 23 Independence from Oil and Energy Sufficiency 4 III. CREATION of NEW GREEN ENGINE Greening of Old Industries Green City Development
1. Green Technologies Development New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Early Commercializing of Early Commercializing of Main Green Technologies Main Green Technologies Expanding Infra Expanding Infra of Green Industries of Green Industries Professional Green Technology Professional Green Technology Human Resources Development Human Resources Development Expanding Investment in Expanding Investment in Green Technologies R&D Green Technologies R&D SecuringGreenTechnologies
2. Greening of Old Industries New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Green Capacity Building of Small & Medium Enterprises Expansion of Green Industrial Complex Greening Key Industries & Expanding Green Management Setting up the Type of Resource- Circulated Economy & Industries Expansion of Export of Eco-FriendlyProducts
3. Independence from Oil & Energy Sufficiency New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Efficient Uses of Energy and Management Self-Development of Overseas Resources Expansion of the Facilities for Nuclear Energy Generation Renewable Energy Development
4. Green City Development New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation 43% of Total Emitted GHG are from Non-Industrial Point such as Households and Commerce Reduction Of Carbon Emission Vitalization of Consuming Eco-friendly Products Expansion of Green Cities and/or Towns Vitalization of Consuming Eco-friendly Products Development and Spread of Eco-Tourism Model
1 4 Main River Rehabilitation Project 23 Renewable Energy 4 IV. KOREAN PRACTICES for GREEN GROWTH Water Industries(Treatment & Recycle) Green City Development
4 Main Rivers Improved Flood Control and Management Capacity Increased Water Resources Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring System Improved Water Quality of Main Stream 1. Four Main Rivers Rehabilitation Project New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation
2. Water Industries (Treatment & Recycle) New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Enactment and Enforcement of Water Recycle Expansion of Reuse Treated Sewerage and Wastewater Open Water Footprint by Products and Industrial Classification Efficiencies of Management with Integrated Water Supply Reduction of Leakage Ratio of Old Water Supply Pipes Improvement of Tap water Quality - Expansion of Advanced Water Treatment Plant Enhancement of Water Supply Water Recycle
3. Renewable Energy New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Temperature anomaly( ℃ ) Temperature Up: 2 times than global Avg. (1.5 ℃ up during past 100 years] Sea level up (Jeju island) : 3 times than global Avg. [ 22 cm up during past 40 years]) Korean GHG Level Promoting Renewable Energy Industries Solar Solar Hydraulic Wind Wind Waste Resources TidalGeothermal Cases
4. Green City Development New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation 5 Main Green Growth Model Cities Gangneung Danyang Changwon Metropolitan Landfill Seamankum Global Mecca of Green Oilfield Low Carbon Model City Masterpiece Area of Coexisting Human & Nature Resources Circulation Model City Eco-Tourism Area
V. Conclusion New Approaches and Solutions for consultancy Business Innovation Climate Change Crisis Climate Change Crisis Environment Conservation Environment Conservation Economic Development Economic Development GREEN GROWTH Consultancy Business Innovation Green Growth with Low Carbon is the Top Agenda to World Leaders UN G8 Submit Korea & USA Submit NEW GROTH ENGINE Responses of International Society Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation is the First Priority 50% reduction of GHG Emission Cooperation with Climate Change
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