REGION Q Request for Proposals Bidders’ Conference ADULT & DISLOCATED WORKERS STAFFING Workforce Investment Act BEAUFORT, BERTIE, HERTFORD, MARTIN, AND.


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Presentation transcript:

REGION Q Request for Proposals Bidders’ Conference ADULT & DISLOCATED WORKERS STAFFING Workforce Investment Act BEAUFORT, BERTIE, HERTFORD, MARTIN, AND PITT COUNTIES Program Year 2014

Welcome & Purpose Region Q Websites Overview of Request for Proposal Integrated Service Delivery Performance Standards Financial Information Important Dates Questions and Answers Agenda

Region Q Website

Funding Period  July 1, 2014– June 30, 2015  Possible Extension of Contract - 1 Year Region Q Five County Region: BEAUFORT BERTIE HERTFORD MARTIN PITT RFP PROPOSALS ACCEPTED FOR: Beaufort County One Stop Center Staffing Bertie County One-Stop Center Staffing Hertford County One-Stop Center Staffing Martin County One-stop Center Staffing Pitt County One-Stop Center Staffing Overview of RFP

PURPOSE OF RFP The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to procure a contractor that will provide Adult and Dislocated Worker program staffing to the One-Stop Centers within the region. (Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Martin, and Pitt). These staff will deliver Wagner-Peyser and WIA workforce development services and training to both job seekers and employer customers under the NC Integrated Services systemThe purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to procure a contractor that will provide Adult and Dislocated Worker program staffing to the One-Stop Centers within the region. (Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Martin, and Pitt). These staff will deliver Wagner-Peyser and WIA workforce development services and training to both job seekers and employer customers under the NC Integrated Services system

Functional Leadership In the Region Q Career Center integrated model, functional supervision will play a key role within the operations. To implement this supervisory approach, each full-service Career Center will have a Functional Leader (Manager/Supervisor) who is directly responsible for day-to- day operational activities. The Functional Leader will make operational decisions concerning customer flow, deploy staff as necessary to manage the customer flow, and be responsible for the overall quality and effectiveness of the center. The functional supervision model recognizes that the contracting organization is considered the employer of record and has internal human resource functions that must be managed within their organization.

Functional Leadership(Continued) Such functions would include final hiring and firing decisions, benefits administration, and time and attendance reporting. However, it should be noted that even in these critical human resource areas, the Functional Leader will have input and the opportunity to influence decisions.

Team-Based Staff Deployment In the Region Q NC Works integrated model, staff will be deployed in functional teams that work together to meet the needs of job seeker and employer customers. The specific functional teams that will operate in each One- Stop Center at a minimum will include the Welcome Team, the Skills Team, and the Employment Team. The Region Q Workforce Development Board requires the contractor through this Request for Proposals to staff these functional teams with high energy professional staff who can deliver high quality services to customers and who also have the ability to determine the need for supportive services for employment and training, assessing availability, suitability, and identifying resources to meet those needs.

Depending on Center size and staffing levels, WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker staff under this staffing proposal, may, at the Center Manager’s direction, perform duties in all three functions. (Welcome Team, Skills Team, and the Employment Team)

Expected Performance The Region Q WDB must meet WIA and Wagner- Peyser Common Performance Measures as established by the State of North Carolina. PY 2014 standards have not been established at this time. PY 2013 standards are shown for reference. Under the Integrated Services Delivery System, all Wagner- Peyser and WIA Adult and Dislocated Workers staff will work towards meeting/ exceeding the following performance measures:

The successful contractor will be responsible for providing services to existing WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker customers (customer carry over from the prior year)

Based upon Region Q WDB policy, DWS Wagner-Peyser staff and WIA staff are allowed to enroll customers into approved WIA-supported training and issue ITA's, or refer customers for training and follow a training approval process. In either case, both DWS Wagner-Peyser and WIA funded staff will work together to identify the training needs of the Center customers. In the case of Wagner-Peyser staff enrolling customers in WIA funded training, WDB staff and Center leadership will establish procedures to ensure program eligibility prior to enrollment in training. Should an ineligible individual be enrolled in a WIA funded training activity that results in disallowed costs and the repayment of funds, the Agency of Record of the staff person making the determination will be financially responsible for the repayment of WIA funds.

The Bidder must provide a budget (see attachments) for the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker staff that will be assigned to each of the centers for which they submit a bid (separate Adult budget and Dislocated Worker budget for each center).

COLLABORATION Leveraged Funding and Service Coordination Bidders will leverage community resources to create a seamless network of services that are easily accessible and relevant to customers. To have a meaningful impact on the quality and breadth of the NC Works System, bidders must be able to draw upon a resource base that extends beyond WIA funding. Bidders should describe connections to other funding sources that will benefit participants and increase the cost effectiveness of federal funds.

Multi-County Bids If a Bidder expressed an interest in the Letter of Intent to Bid to seek Adult and Dislocated Worker Staffing Programs in two or more Counties, the following protocol may be followed to minimize excess paper, copying, and confusion: In addition to the required RFP submission requirements, the proposing bidder may insert dividers for each of the counties in which they are bidding. Behind each divider they must include: Adult Budget Information Dislocated Worker Information Proposal Summary and Narrative One divider for the entire RFP may be used to include assurances, attachments, letters, etc.

ADULT To be an eligible adult in the adult and dislocated worker program, an individual must be 18 years of age or older (a) Under the Act, eligible youth are 14 through 21 years of age. Adults are defined in the Act as individuals age 18 and older. Thus, individuals ages 18 through 21 may be eligible for both adult and youth programs. Permission must be obtained from the Region Q LA MIS Coordinator prior to co-enrollment To be an eligible adult in the adult and dislocated worker program, an individual must be 18 years of age or older (a) Under the Act, eligible youth are 14 through 21 years of age. Adults are defined in the Act as individuals age 18 and older. Thus, individuals ages 18 through 21 may be eligible for both adult and youth programs. Permission must be obtained from the Region Q LA MIS Coordinator prior to co-enrollment.

DISLOCATED WORKERS To be eligible for the dislocated worker program, an eligible adult must meet the definition of “dislocated worker” at section 101(9) of the Act. 101(9) The term “dislocated worker” means: (1) An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received notice of termination or layoff, from employment, and is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation, and is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation. (2)An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received notice of termination or layoff, from employment, and has been employed for a duration sufficient to demonstrate, to the appropriate entity at a one-stop center referred to in section 134(c), attachment to the workforce, but is not eligible for unemployment compensation due to insufficient earnings or having performed services for an employer that was not covered under a State unemployment compensation law, and is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation.

DISLOCATED WORKER (3)An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment as a result of any permanent closure of, or any substantial layoff at, a plant, facility, or enterprise. (4)An individual who is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close within 180 days. (5)For purposes of eligibility to receive services other than training, intensive, or supportive services, an individual who is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close. (6)An individual who was self-employed (including employment as a farmer, rancher, or fisherman) but is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community in which the individual resides or because of a natural disaster (7)An individual who is a displaced homemaker.

Financial Information Contract Extension Budget Plan Cost Reimbursement Contract


ONE-STOP CENTERS LETTERS Bidders are expected to meet with the applicable One- Stop Center Manager to discuss provisions/costs for shared space, computers, internet access, telephone, copying, etc., and costs for this should be reflected in the bidder’s proposal. A letter of agreement from the One- stop Center Manager per coordinated services, physical space commitments, and costs must also be included in this proposal.

Proposal Instructions -EST Proposals must include: Page Numbers (1) One copy labeled “Original” (5) Five additional copies of RFP Submitted in 3-ring binder Completion of all forms Proposal Format and Required Forms in Order

Deadline for the Request for Proposal Original signed RFP and five (5) additional copies must be received by 2:00 pm EDT, Tuesday, May 6, EST Electronic copies, faxes, and late submissions will not be accepted. The completed RFPs are to be submitted or delivered to the attention of Walter Dorsey, Workforce Development Director, Mid-East Commission, the administrative entity for the Region Q Workforce Development Board’s Programs. (as shown below) Walter Dorsey, Workforce Development Director Mid-East Commission 1385 John Small Avenue Washington, NC 27889



REGION Q WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM Region Q Workforce Investment Consortium is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities