Centers for Independent Living and Money Follows the Person TX SILC Conference 2014 Judy Telge Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living - Corpus Christi.


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Presentation transcript:

Centers for Independent Living and Money Follows the Person TX SILC Conference 2014 Judy Telge Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living - Corpus Christi

Relocation services contracts Department of Aging and Disability Services Assistance for individuals w/ disabilities eligible for Medicaid to relocate from nursing facilities to the community Current contracts: September August 2014, majority with Texas CILs CBCIL Contract covers Nueces & Hidalgo STAR+PLUS Service Areas Goal: 145 relocations in DADS Region 11

CBCIL relocation history 1999: Project Choice pilot – Nueces, Kleberg 2002: CARS (pre-STAR+PLUS) 2003: Site III (Regions 11, 8, 3 - STAR+PLUS) : DSHS Community Integration VAIL had Region 11 DADS Relocation contract 2011: current Relocation Contractor

Partnerships are essential * Community partners provide supports and services to assure success Seamless transition for consumer from facility to community services Players, perspectives and processes must be coordinated & roles understood CILs are natural allies in MFP process

Consumer Managed Care Organization HHSC SPSUHousing Relocation Specialist NF Social Worker STAR+PLUS key partners

Factors in successful relocation The level of community supports available to the individual, not the type or severity of disability Not a matter of readiness but an assumption that individuals can achieve success with supports and services Availability of affordable, accessible, integrated housing

Relocation specialists tasks Referral Assessment Planning & Coordination Relocation Follow up

Referral & assessment Originates with the consumer HHSC Star+Plus Support Unit Assessment with consumer at NF Goals for community living, housing preferences, options and needs ID barriers to housing & other activities Initiate applications: TLC, TBRA, Asset

Planning & coordination Initiate housing search, assuring accessibility, affordability and choice D/C planning with MCO Service Coordinator, NF Social Worker, Relocation Specialist and consumer Set D/C date, pending housing Provide consumer with info re: SSA for award letter, SS card, apply for ID

Relocation Day prior to relocation Go shopping! TAS, TLC items delivered Confirm discharge plan, services, housing Arrange transportation as needed Day of relocation Groceries purchased & delivered Meet consumer for 1 st face- to -face follow-up

Follow up Consumer is contacted after relocation over a 90 day period At least one face-to-face visit Consumer can refuse follow ups Contacts identify & address issues, refer to additional services

Community supports CBCIL programs provided in the Coastal Bend: Tenant Based Rental Assistance vouchers; Transition Assistance Services; Consumer Directed Services; Transportation vouchers; CLASS Case Management; home mods/ramps Valley Association Independent Living (VAIL) IL services/community supports in RGV Aging & Disability Resource Centers

Centers for Independent Living Consumer- controlled Cross-disability Non-residential Independent, local 501 c-3 organization Supported by enabling Federal legislation: Rehab Act of 1978 as Amended, U.S. Dept. of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Title VII-C grant funding

CILs provide four core services Information and referral Independent living skills assistance Peer counseling/support Advocacy – personal and systemic … and programs to address barriers/gaps to living independently faced by individuals with disabilities.

Independent Living philosophy Outgrowth of Civil Rights movement Principles of self-help, peer support, self- determination, equal access Changing perceptions to “disability is a natural part of life” Services model of consumer-control often conflicts with medical model and provider-controlled services

Guiding principles Consumer Choice Dignity of Risk Self Determination The debate has changed from ‘should?’ to ‘how’ people with disabilities can live in communities.

Advocacy is essential Barriers to leaving institutional settings Consumer vs. family wishes and/or provider control Access to policy level when MFP protocol or contract requirements are misinterpreted Regional Community Transition Teams

* Partnership Opportunities Consumer-directed option for PAS and Habilitation, with FMS contracts Senate Bill 7 potential to provide diversified revenue streams for CILs Enhanced relationships with consumer- direction produce better outcomes: increased customer satisfaction, decreased cost, no increases in abuse