LABOUR MARKET INCLUSION OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING PARTICIPANTS IN ACTIONS RELATED TO THE LONG TERM CARE SECTOR CATALONIA Àrea d’Anàlisi i Prospectiva Secretaria Tècnica Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (Catalan Employment Service)
SUMMARY 1. Introduction 2. Participants description 3. Participants inclusion into the labour market 4. Factors driving to a successful inclusion 5. Factors contributing to an unsuccessful inclusion Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
1. Introduction Recent laws supporting a new Long Term Care System in Spain (39/2006, 12/2007) Long term care sector: a priority area of Employment Active Policies of SOC (Catalan Employment Service) Long term care sector features: –Considered a ‘New Source of Occupation’ (NJO) –Labour-intensive occupations –A heavily feminized sector –Shortage of qualified professionals –Medium-low qualifications required –Forecast: new job vacancies will be created ( ) Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
Employment Active Policies applied to the Long Term Care Sector Labour Market Catalonia Care services vouchers (xecs-servei) Vocational training actions: –Offered training vacancies 2005: –Offered training vacancies 2009: –Offered training vacancies : Other mixed local programmes on education and training: –Plans d’Ocupació –Escoles Taller –Cases d’Ofici International Intermediary Service: Servei d’intermediació, Formació Laboral i Primer Acolliment en Origen (SILO) Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
2. Participants description (I) Sample size: training vacancies ( ), representing 6,19 % of total training vacancies Distribution by training subjects: -Nursing assistant in geriatrics (63.99%) -Home assistant (10.41%) -Nursing assistant in hospitalization (7.12%) -Alzheimer care assistant (5%) -Family worker (5%) -Physical and mental disabilities assistant (5%) -Nursing assistant in mental health and drug addiction (2.27%) Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
2. Participants description (II) Participants profile (66,10%): Women of an age between 30 and 54 years old Long Term Care Sector participants Total of participants (all sectors) Gender: female 91,7%60,2% Average age 39,3 years old33,6 years old Nationality: Not Spanish 21,3%18,3% Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
2. Participants description (III) Participants education level: –Not completed compulsory education: 37,5% –Completed compulsory education: 36,2% –Above compulsory education: 23,0% Participants education level by nationality –Spanish participants: 33,0% without completed compulsory education –Not Spanish participants: 56,9% without completed compulsory education Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
3. Participants inclusion into the labour market (I) Contracts description: –Period: from 1/07/2005 to 4/07/2009 –Nr. of contracts: –Nr. of participants: –Turnover: 5,26 contracts / participant –Nr. of companies: –Nr. of contracts / company: 5,12 –Part-time contracts: 38,09% –Temporary recruitment agency contracts: 11,36% –Placements linked to the sector: 49,25% –Most frequent occupation: Nursing assistant in hospitalization (33,65%) Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
3. Participants inclusion into the labour market (II) 82,5% of participants have been recruited at least for one placement in the considered period El 54,0% of recruited participants have signed at least one permanent contract El 50,5% of participants have signed at least one contract for a placement linked to the sector El 60,5% of participants have signed their first or unique contract before half a year after finishing the training action Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
3. Participants inclusion into the labour market (III) Defining the indicator ‘Successful Inclusion’ as: –Having signed at least one permanent contract –Having signed at least one contract for a placement related to the sector –Having signed at least one contract before half a year after finishing the training action 23,6% of participants have successfully been included in the labour market Only considering the participants who finished their training action with positive evaluation, 30,6% have successfully been included in the labour market Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
4. Factors driving to a successful inclusion Gender: female Age: between 20 and 54 years old Nationality (in case of not Spanish): Bolivian Training action subjects: ‘Nursing assistant in mental health and drug addiction’ or ‘Nursing assistant in geriatrics’ Training action length: medium or long Training action evaluation: positive Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
5. Factors contributing to an unsuccessful labour inclusion Gender: male Age: less than 20 or over 54 years old Nationality (in case of not Spanish): Moroccan Training action subject: ‘Alzheimer care assistant’ Training action length: short Training action leave cause: other causes rather than employment Long Term Care Sector Labour Market
Contact details: Núria Tuset: Anna Pujol: Telephone: Long Term Care Sector Labour Market Thanks for your attention