THE TOP-IMPLART PROJECT Concetta Ronsivalle,Mariano Carpanese, Giovanni Messina, Luigi Picardi, Sandro Sandri (ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma)) Carmela.


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Presentation transcript:

THE TOP-IMPLART PROJECT Concetta Ronsivalle,Mariano Carpanese, Giovanni Messina, Luigi Picardi, Sandro Sandri (ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma)) Carmela Marino, (ENEA C.R. Casaccia,Anguillara(Roma)) Marcello Benassi, Lidia Strigari (Regina Elena National Cancer Institute,IFO,Roma) Evaristo Cisbani, Salvatore Frullani, Velio Macellari (National Health Institute,ISS,Roma) Abstract The TOP-IMPLART project, developed by ENEA, the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) and Regina Elena National Cancer Institute-IFO-Rome is devoted to the realization of a proton therapy centre to be sited at IFO, based on a sequence of linear accelerators and designed with three treatment rooms: one with a 150 MeV beam for shallow tumors and two with a 230 MeV beam for deep tumors. The first part of the acronym remarks the heritage from the TOP Project developed in by ISS and ENEA, whilst the second part (“Intensity Modulated Proton Linear Accelerator for RadioTherapy”) exploits the possibility to perform a highly conformational therapy based on spatial and intensity modulation of the beam. The segment up to 150 MeV, funded by the Italian “Regione Lazio” for 11M€ over four years, is under installation at ENEA- Frascati for its validation before the transfer to IFO. The low energy part is also used as a facility for radiobiology experiments in the framework of a satellite program foreseeing cells irradiation at 7 MeV with a vertical and horizontal beam and small animal irradiation with a 17.5 MeV horizontal beam. The status of the Project is presented. TOP-IMPLART AT IFO SITE The aim of the project is to build a protontherapy linac to be housed in the largest oncological hospital in Rome,IFO. The low energy part is a commercial 425MHz-7 MeV proton linac (RFQ+DTL) produced by AccSys-Hitachi, followed by 3 GHz additional modules leading the proton energy to 30, 70, 150 and 230 MeV in a follow-up phases. TOP-IMPLART150 AT ENEA-Frascati TEST SITE: PROTOTYPE FUNDED BY REGIONE LAZIO ParametersValue Beam energy, phase 1 Beam energy, phase 2 69 / MeV 69 / 85–230 MeV Pulse duration us Repetition frequency 10 – 100 Hz Pulse current µA Minimum/typical beam spot 4Hx4V/7Hx7V mm Normalized emittance 0.2  mm-mrad The first assembly and tests of the first accelerator section up to 150 MeV will be done at the Research Centre in Frascati in a 30m long 3 m wide bunker for full proton beam characterization and validation from the dosimetric point of view, before the relocation to IFO. INJECTOR(PL7 ACCSYS- HITACHI)+LEBT TANK1 and TANK9 of module 1 (SCDTL) CCL MeV 150 MeV THE ACCELERATOR TREATMENT ROOMS Three treatment rooms are planned: one with a 150 MeV beam for the therapy of shallow tumors and two with a 230 MeV (i.e. full energy) beam for the treatment of deep tumors SCDTL from 7 to 30 MeV CCL from 30 to 230 MeV De-mountable PMQs (ASTER) Short DTL tanks coupled together by side cavities. The DTLs are short tanks, each having 4 to 7 cells of  length, and the side cavity extends in a space left free on the axis for the accommodation of very short (3 cm long, 2 cm o.d., 6-7 mm i.d.) PMQ (Permanent Magnet Quadrupole) for transverse focusing DELIVERABLE 1: 30 MeV BEAM THE SATELLITE PROGRAM ISPAN (ongoing) 570 kEuro grant from Regione Lazio–FILAS Setup of a Radiobiology facility in Frascati with 2 beam outputs: -A 17 MeV horizontal beam for small animal irradiation -A 3-7 MeV vertical beam pointing upwards for cells irradiation Beam currents <100 pA Leaders: NRT and CECOM companies Co- Leaders ENEA and ISS MeV SCDTL module for SPARKLE (Casarano (Le)) VERTICAL BENDING MAGNET Mouse model of basal cell carcinoma CCL low velocity structure mechanical design TOP-IMPLART CCL structure Status of equipment Preferred for E>70 MeV Preferred for E<70 MeV MAGNET POLE SHAPE AND VACUUM CHAMBER OPTIMIZATION A study is undergoing leaded by a Bari Company (ITEL) to design a special treatment chair/bed for positioning the patient. The bed has to be assisted by a special orientable TAC. The scope is trying to avoid the use of the gantry, substituting its movement with patient alignment and with one or two fixed beams. 52 m 15.6 m 30 MeV 17.5 MeV 3D model (CST-EMS) Beam dynamics in the transport line (Tstep+CST 3D map for the bending magnet) Computed beam transmission and losses Computed beam emittance Computed beam phase spaces at (a) 30 MeV SCDTL output (b) 150 MeV CCL output