Retha Smith Riverside Workforce Development Center
An OJT is a training program/contract that allows an individual to learn the basic skills of a job while actually performing the job. Accomplished by working with a business that has a job opening and is willing to hire and train a person who does not have the skills to perform the job.
Must comply with all state & federal laws regarding employment. Must not be exempt from state & federal laws. Will not result in the displacement of employed workers. Must have sufficient work. Turnover rate must be less than 25% May not be a public service business Must be able to demonstrate that they have the supervision, materials and equipment to train. Must not involve political activities.
Job must be full time (32 hrs minimum) Trainee must be covered under Worker’s Compensation. May not be temporary or seasonal. May not be under a layoff or hiring freeze. Wage must be a prevailing rate Wage must not be based on commission or piecework
Working conditions must not endanger the health & safety of the trainee. Must be in a high demand industry Must pay a minimum of $12.00 per hr.
Must be at least 18 year of age Must be enrolled in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) ◦ Low income or Dislocated Worker Must not possess all the skills required for the job. Must be in need and likely to benefit from the training. Does not have any obligations that will result in the failure of the training and retention Must be willing to complete training & retention up to one year
Minimum length of training is 160 hours. Maximum length of training is 480 hours. Limited to the time required to acquire the skills to perform the job. Training length is determined by O*Net SPV codes. Employer reimbursement will not exceed 50% of trainee’s starting wage. Reimbursement is paid after the completion of the training hours.
LevelLength of Training 1Short demonstration only 21month or 160 hours 3Up to 3 months or 480 hrs 43 to 6 months/480 to 960 hrs 56 months to 1 yr/960 to 2080 hrs 61 yr to 2yrs / 2080 to 4160 hrs
Corona ( ) ◦ 237 W. River Rd., Corona, CA Hemet ( ) ◦ 1025 N. State St., Hemet, CA Indio ( ) ◦ Monroe St., Indio, CA Southwest ( ) ◦ Technology Dr., Murrieta, CA Riverside ( ) ◦ 1325 Spruce St., Riverside, CA 92507