Tissue Engineering Lecture 13, 3/26/15 Paper Review 3D gels for ischemia
What is the motivation of this study? Much of current cell therapy relies on dosing cells at the site – many of which are lost during delivery. One mechanism to improve cell therapy is to encapsulate cells into a biomaterial – keeping the cells alive during the harsh delivery. The authors propose to deliver adipose(fat)- derived mesenchymal stem cells in very small injectable gels to protect them during delivery.
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Figure 1a-e: Jemima Lamothe
Figure 1f-i: Jonathan Hummel
Figure 2a-c: Michael Mulroy
Figure 2d: Ezra Aurian-Blajeni
Figure 3: Sarah Johnson
Figure 4a-b: Kyle Pariseau
Figure 4c-d: Ronen Zeidel
Figure 5: Matt Tiller
Show supplementary movies 2-4
Figure 6: Christine Davis
Conclusions, Perspectives By encapsulating cells in 3D microniches, they could use a dose more than 10 times lower than previous cell based therapies. Accumulation of ECM and paracrine signaling in the niches likely provided survival signals to cells. Priming was a key step to improving MSC differentiation prior to delivery.