IF God wrote a book, What would it be like? The Sureness of the Word The Bible Claims Inspiration For Itself –Every Word of Scripture is like the Voice.


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Presentation transcript:

IF God wrote a book, What would it be like?

The Sureness of the Word The Bible Claims Inspiration For Itself –Every Word of Scripture is like the Voice of God Speaking to us –2 Timothy 3:16,17 –“inspiration of God” = “God- breathed” –The literal WORDS of God –2 Peter 2:20,21

The Sureness of the Word The Bible Claims Inspiration For Itself –It is the “Word of God” –1 Corinthians 2:13; 14:37 –Matthew 5:18,19 –John 8:57-59 –ε ἰ μ ί eimi – “Jesus claims eternity.. Equal to the Father… what is ascribed to the Father is attributed to Him (Isaiah 43:10 LXX).”

O.T. Claims to be Word of God Hosea 1:1 “Word of the Lord” Amos 1:3 “Thus says the Lord” Malachi 1:1 “the word of the Lord to Israel” Inspired men in the O.T. declared what they said was From God- –2 Samuel 23:2 “Spirit of the Lord spoke by me” –Jeremiah 1:9 “Lord put forth His hand & touched my mouth”

New Testament Writers Claimed Same Inspiration from God in Their Writings 1 Corinthians 14:37 “things I write to you are the commandments of the Lord.” John 16;13 “the Spirit of truth… He will guide you into all truth..”

Prophetic Fulfillment Compelling Testimony to Inspiration of the Bible Deuteronomy 18:18-22 “…when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken…” –IF predictions of future events are not fulfilled, cannot be from God!

Few Examples of fulfilled Prophecies- Destruction of Tyre – –Ezekiel prophesied that: Nebuchadnezzar would destroy it Many nations rise against it Would be made a bare rock Fishermen would spread nets over the site Would never be rebuilt & never found again (Ezekiel 26:3-21)

Few Examples of fulfilled Prophecies- Destruction of Tyre – –Possible Ezekiel could have guessed about Nebuchadnezzar Defeating Tyre –BUT – it is out of the realm of possibility for Ezekiel to have “guessed” successfully about the complete destruction of Tyre by Alexander the Great! –Every Prophecy about Tyre came True!

Few Examples of fulfilled Prophecies- Cities of Nineveh & Babylon – –Nahum 1:8,10; 2:6; 3:10-13; Isaiah 13; Jeremiah 14:23 –Nineveh predicted to fall quickly & Babylon completely destroyed –Not One Thing Failed that was Prophesied! –Today, the once proud cities of Nineveh and Babylon stand desolate, all according to the word of God

Few Examples of fulfilled Prophecies- Dating for Beginning of the Gospel Age – –Daniel Chapter 2 Four World Empires – Babylon, Persia, Greek & Roman God to set up everlasting kingdom during FOURTH Empire (Daniel 2:44) Kingdom would begin at Jerusalem & would include Jews and Gentiles (Isaiah 2:1ff)

Few Examples of fulfilled Prophecies- Prophesies concerning Ministry of Christ– –Jesus born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1 - HE WAS! –Herod would kill the children – Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16 – HE DID! –To be preceded by a Messenger – Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1; Matthew 3:1,2 - John the Baptist!

Few Examples of fulfilled Prophecies- Prophesies concerning Ministry of Christ– –Isaiah Chapter 53 – details suffering, vicarious death of the Messiah. –Some 60 Prophecies in the O.T. fulfilled in Jesus! –Considering only EIGHT (8) of them, the chances of accidental fulfillment of ALL OF THEM would be: –1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 (15 Zeros!)

Greatest Proof of Inspiration the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Universal agreement among believers & critics concerning some facts about Jesus: –There was a man named Jesus –He was a great teacher to whom miracles were attributed –Was taken in Jerusalem, tried & executed –On Sunday following, body gone!

Greatest Proof of Inspiration the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Bible predicted the Resurrection of the Messiah- –Psalm 16:10 “not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will you allow Your Holy One to see corruption.” –Isaiah 53:10 “make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days”

What Possible Reason for the Empty Tomb? Disciples stolen body? –Cannot be true! –Tomb securely guarded –How could men who all scattered into hiding in fear so quickly summon the courage to face Roman soldiers? –Why DIE, some horribly, for what they knew to be a LIE?

What Possible Reason for the Empty Tomb? Enemies taken the body? –WHY? –In their interest to keep Jesus in the tomb – that is why they asked for a guard on the tomb. –Why Didn’t they produce the body of Jesus on Pentecost to show that it was all just a lie?

What Possible Reason for the Empty Tomb? Faking death or be revived after placed in tomb? –How could a man who suffered the horrible things before the cross, nailed hands & feet do this? –Was declared dead after having His side & heart pierced, how could He have enough energy to revive & move a huge burial stone out of the way & escape?

What Possible Reason for the Empty Tomb? Could it be that the disciples came to the wrong tomb & Jesus was still in the grave? –Roman soldiers were at the genuine tomb of Jesus since he had been placed there. They verified the real one was empty! –WHY didn’t the enemies of Jesus declare this fact later?

What Possible Reason for the Empty Tomb? Only One Possible Explanation! –Jesus was Raised From The Dead! –He came forth to ascend back to the Father –He validated message of the Bible from beginning to end –It was all about a coming Messiah Who was going to die for the sins of mankind! –“Up from the grave He arose!”

God’s Word Stands Sure & Certain! It IS the Word of God!

What Will You Do With That Word? John 12:48 “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him – the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.”