© Colin Frayn, 2008 www.frayn.net Leap Seconds Our time system approximates the Earth’s rotation –It’s not quite aligned –Sometimes we need to correct.


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Presentation transcript:

© Colin Frayn, Leap Seconds Our time system approximates the Earth’s rotation –It’s not quite aligned –Sometimes we need to correct it Leap seconds ensure that the official UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) agrees with MST (Mean Solar Time) –UTC is based on atomic clocks –MST is based on the rotation of the Earth –86,400 seconds in a day –One second is precisely defined –One solar day is slightly (0.002s) longer than this Leap seconds are not added because of the Earth’s rotation slowing down! –They are added because one second is slightly less than 1/86400 th of a solar day

© Colin Frayn, The Majority Almost all scientists accept Evolution –That doesn’t prove it –Science isn’t a democracy Theories are based on evidence However, it gives pause for thought –Why do they all support it? –How could so many people spend their entire lives studying something in enormous detail and all be completely wrong about it? That could happen without evidence But scientists seem to think that the evidence is overwhelmingly in support of evolution –How could they miss Hovind’s simple alleged disproofs?

© Colin Frayn, Debates Why do scientists refuse to debate? Science isn’t a popularity contest –This isn’t the X-Factor –We don’t vote off the theory with the stupidest name The truth is determined by detailed argument, evidence- based discussion, statistics, etc. It takes seconds to make a false statement, and (potentially) hours to prove that it’s false –E.g. saying that ‘radiometric dating is unreliable’ takes three seconds –Showing why it is reliable requires a complete explanation of the entire technique, which would take ages Especially for anyone not familiar with exponential mathematics, nuclear physics, chemistry, geology …

© Colin Frayn, Goliath and Giants Goliath was 6 cubits and a span –Nine feet tall? –According to the dead sea scrolls, it says four cubits and a span A much more reasonable 6’6” –Or it could mean a short cubit (elbow to wrist) A tall, but not crazy 6’9” Emp. Maximinus Thrax was 8’6” tall? –Cited in Historia Avgvsta –Almost certainly fictional The work cites fictional authorities Skeletons of giants –There are several stories, but zero evidence –Provide one single giant skeleton and the argument is over

© Colin Frayn, Conspiracy Theories This is a law without exceptions: All conspiracy theories are wrong A conspiracy theory is one held with extreme emotion against the evidence. They are held because people want or need them to be true, not because they are true They can sometimes seem very convincing

© Colin Frayn, Theistic Evolution Hovind says “It is not the character of the God of the Bible to use misfits, blind chance and death. He gets it right the first time.” –Except, of course, for the flood –Everything had gone wrong, so he used death to sort it out

© Colin Frayn, The Bible Code The Bible Code is merely daft statistics You can get codes from any book you choose Assassinations foretold in Moby Dick: –