FAT Fat is an essential nutrient which is needed to keep the body healthy; it is a Macro Nutrient. Oil or Fat? It has several uses: Energy – Can be stored in the body until it is needed. When food is restricted the fat is converted into energy Protection – Fat surrounds & protects the vital organs. The fat under our skin protects by keeping us warm. Taste - Fat adds flavour, texture & colour, making it more appetising. Fat also makes you feel full because it slows the Digest & therefore stays in our stomach longer than other foods. Vitamins – Fat provides the body with fat soluble Vitamins such as A, D, E & K.
Saturated Fat Found mainly in foods from animals – meat, butter, lard, solid margarine. Solid fats are usually saturated. Solid at room temperature Unsaturated Fat Monounsaturated & polyunsaturated Mainly found in plants such as sunflower oil, soya & nuts, but can also be found in some fish e.g. cod, tuna, herring etc. Oils are usually poly unsaturated. Can make solid fat from oils, i.e. sunflower margarine, by adding extra hydrogen - hydrogenation. Liquid at room temperature
Sources of FAT Visible – meat, butter, lard, suet, margarine, oils. Invisible – avocados, oily fish, cakes, pastry, biscuits, burgers, cream, sausages, nuts, chocolate. Low in fat – naturally – fruit, vegetables, cereals, white fish.
How much do we need? ‘One portion’. Reducing fat – lean cuts of meat, - trim off fat, - grill or oven bake, - use water in shallow frying (dry frying), - low or reduced fat versions, - canned fish in brine not oil Not enough fat? - normal growth effected and eventually become thinner, - feel colder, hurt easily. Too much fat? - excess sorted as adipose tissue and gain weight. - high cholesterol levels leading to heart disease, - ‘trans fats’ raise cholesterol levels