To What Extent Can We Say That The Accounts We Have Today Are Anything Like What Happened? By Samantha Henry
All our copies are pretty similar to the oldest ones we have. There are two ways we can tell if they are accurate. 1.The amount of copies we have to compare with others. 2.The gap between the oldest copies and how similar they are. Religious people take there holy books very seriously. When writing a version of the Torah, if a single mistake is made then the whole section is re-written to perfection. I think it is amazing the amount of care a dedication religious people show when trying to re-write their holy book. This alone showed us how much care was put into making them and that the people thought they where doing the work of God and his wishes.
We can compare the results of bibles hand written from different places quite easily. You can compare the words and the spellings to find out where the book was made. To find out how old it is you can do two things. One, you can do the scientific process, carbon dating. This is when you burn it and count the carbons it releases to find the year it was made. Secondly, you can look at the style of writing, the size and layout of it and it will show it. Along with writing them carefully, people memorised long pages of writing very accurately in respect. When people write out the bible they are trying to help future generations to learn about there experiences and knowledge through the words they are writing on the pages.
What would I put in a time capsule?? A photo of myself, friends and family. A clip my nana gave me with a note saying what it was. A diary My dogs lead to show I have a dog My favourite book A home-made video showing my house and America. A proper photograph of my nana
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