Particle accelerator and Advanced accelerator technologies Advanced Instrumentation and Detector technologies Advanced Light Source Application of Accelerator and Detector technologies International Institute for Future Accelerators Genuine multinational laboratory of We need globalization because: Resource pooling needed for scientific goals which are otherwise not attainable. Full utilization of expertise and facilities required for technical advancement via collaborative work. Young generation of scientists must be given diverse opportunities. Supports of distinguished accelerator laboratories in the world, BINP, CERN, DESY, FNAL, SLAC, and KEK. Joint support of intensive R&D activities for future accelerators. KEK provides facilities for research and life environment as a host. IIFA Fostering researchers of the next generation
Accelerators has long been tools for mankind in the service of science Accelerator today for society. The applications is under development using technology initially developed at the world’s great accelerator Labs Accelerator Science Status and Prospect
Objectives: Field #1 Accelerator for Particle Physics and advanced accelerator technologies High performance superconducting magnets and cavities High-gradient RF acceleration Ultra-precision nano beam control Novel plasma wake field accelerators
Space charge effect HOM-BBU CSR effect Objectives: Field #2 Advanced light source Development of high-brightness electron guns Novel light sources based on undulator and XFEL-O Sophisticated characterization on beam dynamics issues V> DC500kV I ~100mA P< Pa
Objectives: Field #3 Advanced Instrumentation and Detector technologies Super-fine imager for X-ray/ particle using cutting-edge semiconductor technology Large-area imager for / neutron with a wireless gas chamber using Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) technology Large 3D detector with (liquid) noble gas Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Advanced Photon detector
Objectives: Field #4 Application of Accelerator and Detector technologies Nano-beam control and high- precision instrumentation for low- exposure radiation therapy. Imaging with 2D detectors using neutron, gamma or X-ray generated from compact accelerators
IIFA Linking Global Centers Of Excellence Applied Research Laboratory Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies Institute of Materials Structure Science Accelerator Laboratory S - KEKB Project S - KEKB Project 7 C-ERL Project C-ERL Project J-PARC Project LC- TF LC- TF Fermilab SLAC BINP DESY CERN Administrative Director Deputy Director Research Division Research Division Administrative Division Administrative Division IIFA Steering Committee IIFA Advisory Board IIFA Advisory Board Director
Global partners and PIs SLAC: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Stanford, CA, US) – World largest linear accelerator, SSRL, LCLS, FACET FNAL: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia, IL, US) – TEVATRON, Nova, Super RF, ProjectX, Muon collider BINP: Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk, Russia) – VEPP2, VEPP4, CMD2, Accelerator R&D, commercial accelerators, B-factory collaboration DESY: Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (Hamburg, Germany) – PETRA III, DORIS III, FLASH, EuroXFEL, HASY Labo., Belle collaboration CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research (Geneva, Switzerland) – LHC, AD, CLIC, CNGS, ISOLDE, n_TOF, PS, SPS S. Tantawi SLAC Y. CaiSLAC C. Adolphsen SLAC N. Solyak FNAL E. Elsen DESY B. Foster DESY S. Tantawi SLAC Y. CaiSLAC C. Adolphsen SLAC N. Solyak FNAL E. Elsen DESY B. Foster DESY S. Boogert RHUL F. Zimmermann CERN H. SchmicklerCERN T. Hosokai Osaka U P. LogatchovBINP K. Lotov BINP A. BondarBINP S. Boogert RHUL F. Zimmermann CERN H. SchmicklerCERN T. Hosokai Osaka U P. LogatchovBINP K. Lotov BINP A. BondarBINP O. Napoly Saclay A. WolskiCI K.J. KimANL R. HajimaJAEA G. Hoffstaetter Cornell U J. Haba KEK O. Napoly Saclay A. WolskiCI K.J. KimANL R. HajimaJAEA G. Hoffstaetter Cornell U J. Haba KEK IIFA’s Global PI team
R&D for high- intensity proton injector at CERN, FNAL and KEK R&D for high- intensity proton injector at CERN, FNAL and KEK IIFA: Towards global-sharing of Planning, Construction and Experiment Plug-compatible components of SCRF linacs from FNAL, DESY, SLAC, INFN-LASA and KEK for S1-Global experiment. Plug-compatible components of SCRF linacs from FNAL, DESY, SLAC, INFN-LASA and KEK for S1-Global experiment. Multi Project Wafer (MPW) RUN for SOI pixel R&D among FNAL, LBNL, KEK and other instiitutes Multi Project Wafer (MPW) RUN for SOI pixel R&D among FNAL, LBNL, KEK and other instiitutes Multi-national contributions to R&D and construction of superKEKB from BINP and BNL Multi-national contributions to R&D and construction of superKEKB from BINP and BNL
1.Accelerators 2.Light Sources 3.Detectors 4.Applications Beams: high luminosity and low emittance Technology: High Fields: SC Magnets, SCRF and NCRF technologies High-intensity and high-gradient electron guns. Ultra-high precision controls of particle and photon beams. New Frontier in photon energy, coherence, brightness, pulse parameters and structure. Higher precision in Space and Time Two Dimensions + time Three Dimensions + time Medical Beams: Precision dose, position, phase-space Industrial Beams: Cost, compact, reliable PIs & Research team Science Globali- zation ReformFusion Universities and Institutes around the globe Goal of IIFA PIs & Research team PIs & Research team PIs & Research team