ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Tim McGrew Historicity of the Gospels Nov 11 th Leadership Positions Available MSC Tabling Next Thursday
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IMPORTANCE One of the most divisive issues in Christianity and the public square One of the most cited reasons for young people leaving the faith
TWO VIEWS “Old Earth” (OEC) – the planet is about 4.5 billion years old and the universe is about 13.8 billion years old “Young Earth” (YEC) – the planet and universe are somewhere between 6,000 to 50,000 years old
SCOPE OF DISCUSSION In this presentation, we will survey five interpretations of Genesis and corresponding textual strengths/weaknesses In this presentation, we will not discuss the scientific side of the discussion (e.g. radiometric dating, cosmology, “Flood Geology”) From Answers in Genesis, a leading “young-earth” organizationFrom Answers in Genesis, a leading “young-earth” organization Codex Siniaticus, one of the earliest complete NTCodex Siniaticus, one of the earliest complete NT
ROADMAP We will survey five interpretations of Genesis available to Bible believing Christians Two Literal ViewsTwo Literal Views Calendar DayCalendar DayDay-Age Three Non-Literal Views*Three Non-Literal Views* General FrameworkGeneral Framework Egyptian PolemicEgyptian Polemic Cosmic TempleCosmic Temple *tend to overlap*tend to overlap
TERMINOLOGY “Literal” means the days are literal days“Literal” means the days are literal days The Hebrew word yom (day) can be taken literally to mean either a 24 hour day or “era”/“age” Similar to “In Abraham Lincoln’s day…”Similar to “In Abraham Lincoln’s day…”
CALENDAR DAY The Bible teaches that the universe was created in six consecutive calendar days or 144 hours Modern YEC has roots in Bishop Ussher’s 1650 Chronology and Ellen White’s 1890 “Conflict of the Ages” The Earth and universe are 6, ,000 years old
CALENDAR DAY STRENGTHS Simplest understanding of Genesis 1 Fits well with Exodus 20:11Fits well with Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath.
CALENDAR DAY WEAKNESSES Chronological contradictions between Genesis 1&2 Difficulty with evening, morning, light, and plants created before the Sun The amount of activity on Day 6 probably doesn’t fit into daylight hours Simplest doesn’t always mean correct
DAY-AGE The Hebrew word yom (day) is taken in the literal definition that corresponds to “era” or “age” Similar to “In Abraham Lincoln’s day…”Similar to “In Abraham Lincoln’s day…” No specific age is taught for the EarthNo specific age is taught for the Earth Original proponents took each yom to correspond to exactly 1,000 years; Earth = 7, ,000 + current year Modern proponents usually take it to mean much, much older than 50,000 years
DAY-AGE From Reasons to BelieveFrom Reasons to Believe
DAY-AGE STRENGTHS Allows for all of the events of Day 6 Scientific flexibilityScientific flexibility Accounts for 7 th day being longer than 24 hours
DAY-AGE WEAKNESSES Same problems with the Sun Same contradictions between Genesis 1&2 “Evening and morning” doesn’t seem to fit naturally Possibly falling into the Word Study Trap with yom
FRAMEWORK GENERAL The genre of Genesis 1-3 is a poetic-structural narrative The six days correspond to logical moments in a literary framework Days of “Forming” are paralleled with Days of “Filling” No age is taught for the Earth and this view is consistent with a young or old Earth
FRAMEWORK COSMIC TEMPLE Same as previousSame as previous Emphasis is on the universe as God’s temple or place of dwelling No age is given for the Earth and this view is consistent with a young or old Earth
FRAMEWORK EGYPTIAN POLEMIC Notes similarities between structure of Egyptian and Jewish creation stories Emphasis is on “parodying” the Egyptian view in favor of monotheism No age is given for the Earth and this view is consistent with a young or old Earth
FRAMEWORK STRENGTHS Reconciles the chronological contradictions between Genesis 1 and 2 Reconciles the difficulty of light and plant life created before the Sun Fits the genre (poetic- structural narrative) of Genesis 1 more easily Accounts for the use of ordinary divine providence (it had not rained)
FRAMEWORK STRENGTHS Accounts for “evening” and “morning” Fits well with Hebrews 4 and John 5 “My Father is working until now…” - John 5:17 “…there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God” – Hebrews 4:9
FRAMEWORK WEAKNESSES Polemic version strains at the “similarities” Some disagree about the poetic-structural genre of Genesis 1-3 and posit the entire book of Genesis is historical narrative
CONCLUSION Creation is not a “make or break issue”; there are several, widely varying views available to orthodox Christians Not a “pick and choose” issue, study the text honestlyNot a “pick and choose” issue, study the text honestly There are parameters: ask yourself if a particular interpretation threatens the Gospel.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What are some parameters for this issue? What about Adam?What about Adam? Does randomness have a place in creation? What about pre-existing matter?