Claudia Rose McGinty, Holly Lord, Katie Twine and Fahim Variava
The three largest groups of Christianity are: Roman Catholic church Eastern orthodox church Protestantism (which has various other denominations) Church of England being the main Roman Catholic – It is the oldest institution in the western world dating back 2000 years. There are more than a billion people worldwide who are Catholics and they believe that the pope is the successor to Saint Peter.
Eastern Orthodox Church – There are around 200 million people that follow the orthodox church. These churches are autonomous or self-governed meaning they have their own head. Protestantism – The Church of England's separation from Rome and the pope was bought about by King Henry VIII. The head of this church is the current reigning monarch
Prayer – including the rosary. The teachings of the Bible: including the psalms of the Old Testament. Places of worship: Churches. Christians go to church to learn about the teachings of God. Eucharist – also known as Holy Communion or Mass “This is my Body which is given to you” Luke 22:19
Lent - Begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. “Self-examination and preparation for Easter” Holy Week - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Easter – Jesus resurrected from the dead. Pentecost – 50 days after Easter. Celebration of the Holy Spirit Advent – 4 Sundays leading up to Christmas Christmas – The celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
VERY Short List of commonly known messengers of god: Translated into the Arab language Abraham (P.B.U.H)- Ibrahim (A.S) Ishmael (P.B.U.H)- Ismaeel (A.S) Isaac (P.B.U.H)– Ishaaq (A.S) Jacob (P.B.U.H)- Yaqub (A.S) Job (P.B.U.H) – Yaqub (A.S) Aaron (P.B.U.H)- Haroon (A.S) David (P.B.U.H)- Dawood (A.S) Solomon (P.B.U.H)- Sulayman (A.S) Jonah (P.B.U.H)- Yunus (A.S) Moses (P.B.U.H)- Musa (A.S) Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H)- Isa (A.S) Muhammad (S.A.W)
An example of revelation from god to the prophet Moses (P.B.U.H)
The key prophet whose existence and role is greatly debated by the 3 religions is Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) The Jews reject him as being a prophet and brand him a liar and imposter. In Islam Isa (A.S) is no more than a prophet of god. Christians have different views within the different denominations but overall Jesus is believed to be either “God in a Trinity” or “The Son Of God”. The following Video is a recitation from the Quran, (Surah Maryam). It is a chapter dedicated to the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary. The video shows how closely linked are Islam, Judaism and Christianity and at the same time how different!