University of Colorado - Dept of Aerospace Engineering Sciences This is ASEN 6107: Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
University of Colorado - Dept of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Course Prerequisites An advanced, graduate-elective course offered every 2 years (occasionally 3). Primarily a continuation of ASEN 5007: Introduction to Finite Element Methods (IFEM) Prerequisites: A graduate-level intro course in FEM Uses Linear Algebra & Differential Equations at a deeper level than IFEM Prior experience in solving nonlinear equations helpful but not required
University of Colorado - Dept of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Course Web Site Course web site: All ready-to-post course material: syllabus, coursework info, office hrs, Notes, class slides, Homework, HW solutions, and so on, will be placed there. Material ready to download is marked by an asterisk * at link start
University of Colorado - Dept of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Coursework Grading Weights Weekly homework: 30% (Posted on website) Two take-home midterm exams: 20% each (Usually posted on website Tu, due class time) Final take home exam: 20% (Posted on web site on or before Fri April 27, due on last class Th May 3)
University of Colorado - Dept of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Course Syllabus Part 1. Overview of Nonlinear Problems Part 2. Formulation of Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Elements Part 3. Solution of Nonlinear Equations Part 4. Computer Implementation of Nonlinear Analysis (concurrent w/Parts 2-3) Part 5. Applications to Structural Stability Part 6. Nonconservative Problems
University of Colorado - Dept of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Homework Rules Usually assigned weekly, except for take home exam weeks and final week. Group collaboration for HW allowed. However each student must submit own HW, with names of collaborators if group work was done. If identical HWs are submitted, no credit is given. See posted HW rules for details.