Scientific Computing Lab Organization Dr. Miriam Mehl Institut für Informatik Scientific Computing in Computer Science
Tasks ‚feeling‘ for Scientific Computing: model numbers pictures quality? accuracy costs robustness
Contents ordinary differential equations –initial value problems partial differential equations –boundary value problems –boundary+intitial value problems
Prerequisites login and password operating system: Linux programming language: MATLAB helpful knowledge: –differential equations –linear algebra
Organization 6 worksheets –two weeks working time –implementation –tests –questions
Organization lecture every two weeks –starting October 25th new subjects results
What Determines the Grading? functionality of programs answers to questions during presentation no final written or oral exam
How to Get the Worksheets? every two weeks –during the lecture –from our webpage first worksheet: Wednesday, October 25th
How to Submit the Results? two weeks time per worksheet –submission per –personal presentation –be prepared for questions
Rules no example solutions! no lecture notes! Write your own (in your own ‚language‘)! delayed submission –requires a medical certificate
Rules office hours Wed 12:30-14:00 in week without lecture, room for further questions fix a date per Dr. Miriam Mehl: Markus Brenk: Tobias Neckel: