FEBRUARY 17, :00 PM Mathematics OTM/TAG Learning Outcomes
Agenda Overview of the changes to Mathematics courses in the OTM and TAGs How switching over to the new articulation numbers should be handled Maintaining Compliance for Quarter and Semester Institutions Demonstration of How to Match in CEMS Questions
Ohio Transfer Module Transfer Assurance Guides Mathematics, Statistics, and Logic OMT005 – Calculus I OMT006 – Calculus II OMT007 – Calculus III OMT008 – Elementary Linear Algebra OMT009 Elementary Differential Equations OMT017 – Calculus I & II Sequence Mathematics OTMs/TAGs Pre-2009
In addition, several OANs were created for Math courses that never appeared in the major OMT001 – College Algebra OMT002 – Pre-calculus OMT010 – Statistics OMT011 – Business Statistics OMT013 – Business Calculus While there were submissions for these OANs, very few were ever approved, and they were never posted on the reporting system.
Transfer Module with Learning Outcomes In 2009, Learning Outcomes were developed for several Transfer Module courses so they would be able to transfer as direct equivalencies: TME001 – First Writing Course TME002 – Second Writing Course TMM001 – College Algebra TMM002 – Pre-calculus In addition, the Math panel began work on revising all of the learning outcomes in the Mathematics TAG.
Ohio Transfer Module Transfer Assurance Guides Mathematics, Statistics, and Logic TMM001 – College Algebra TMM002 – Pre-calculus TMM003 – Trigonometry TMM005 – Calculus I TMM006 – Calculus II TMM017 – Calculus I & II Sequence TMM018 – Calculus III TMM019 - Elementary Linear Algebra TMM020 - Elementary Differential Equations OMT018 – Calculus III OMT019 – Elementary Linear Algebra OMT020 – Elementary Differential Equations New Mathematics OTMs/TAGs
Articulation Number Overlap Because of the major revisions to the mathematics learning outcomes, all currently approved courses will need to be re-reviewed. Because of the proximity to the semester calendar conversion, we have asked that institutions currently on quarters wait until their semester hour courses are completed to submit their new courses. We did not want this to hold up these revised learning outcomes, so for the next two years there will be a period where some institutions have approved matches for the old articulation numbers, and some have approved matches for the new learning outcomes. We are asking that all institutions do their best to make sure that students that have taken approved TAG or OTM courses in this period to be given the appropriate credit.
Equivalency Overlap Timeline OMT005 – Calculus I (AU2005-SM2012) OMT006– Calculus II (AU2005-SM2012) OMT007– Calculus III (AU2005-SM2012) OMT008– Elementary Linear Algebra (AU2005-SM2012) OMT009– Elementary Differential Equations (AU2005-SM2012) OMT017– Calculus I & II Sequence (AU2005-SM2012) TMM005– Calculus I TMM006– Calculus II TMM017– Calculus I & II Sequence OMT018– Calculus III OMT019– Elementary Linear Algebra OMT019– Elementary Differential Equations
Staying In Compliance for Semesters OMT005 – Calculus I (AU2005-SM2012) OMT006– Calculus II (AU2005-SM2012) OMT007– Calculus III (AU2005-SM2012) OMT008– Elementary Linear Algebra (AU2005-SM2012) OMT009– Elementary Differential Equations (AU2005-SM2012) OMT017– Calculus I & II Sequence (AU2005-SM2012) TMM005– Calculus I TMM006– Calculus II TMM017– Calculus I & II Sequence OMT018– Calculus III OMT019– Elementary Linear Algebra OMT019– Elementary Differential Eq Each institution should have no more than one Articulation Number (OAN for the TAGs and TMAN for the Transfer Module) effective at a time. For semester institutions, this means you should submit your new submissions as soon as possible, but make sure not to expire your old courses until your new courses have been approved. All institutions should have their courses approved and active no later than Autumn Below is an example of how this might look:
Staying In Compliance for Quarters OMT005 – Calculus I (AU2005-SM2012) OMT006– Calculus II (AU2005-SM2012) OMT007– Calculus III (AU2005-SM2012) OMT008– Elementary Linear Algebra (AU2005-SM2012) OMT009– Elementary Differential Equations (AU2005-SM2012) OMT017– Calculus I & II Sequence (AU2005-SM2012) TMM005– Calculus I TMM006– Calculus II TMM017– Calculus I & II Seq. OMT018– Calculus III OMT019– Elem Linear Algebra OMT020– Elem Differential Eq For quarter institutions, the task is slightly different. We only want submissions for the new mathematics courses using semester hour materials. Because of this, institutions currently on quarters should leave their current quarter hour articulation numbers in effect until summer They should have an approved semester hour course at that time.
How to Match in CEMS If No Changes Are Needed to Current Course: 1) Submit a new match using your current course with a start date in the future 2) When your new match is approved, expire your old match.
How to Match in CEMS
Because CEMS will not allow to courses with overlapping effective dates to exist, if changes are needed to a current course: 1) Expire all active matches using your current course as of the last term you will be teaching using the old learning outcomes. 2) Expire your current course as of the last term you will be teaching using the old learning outcomes. 3) Create a new course as of the first term you will be using the new learning outcomes. 4) Create a new match as of the first term you will be using the new learning outcomes. Please be mindful of the review dates in CEMS. You should give ample time (at least two terms) for your new match to be approved. Failure to do so could result in your institution having a gap in effective dates for your courses.
How to Match in CEMS
For Institutions Currently On Quarters: 1) Create a new course beginning in AU ) Create a new match beginning in AU2012.
How to Match in CEMS