«Mathematics should be studied because it puts the mind in order» Lomonosov M. Mathematics and Natural Sciences Program
The main mathematical courses which we teach: An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics-I: 191-total number of students in Fall-2012 An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics-II: 46-total number of students in Spring-2012 Mathematical Analysis I: 136-total number of students in Spring-2012 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry: 82-total number of students in Fall-2012 The Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics: 60-total number of students in Fall-2012
We see the following ways for providing above mentioned courses with educational materials: Creation of our own textbooks Selective copying of available textbooks and placing of copies on internal university resources Using of the Internet’s Open Educational Resources
Selective copying of available textbooks:
Open Educational Resources: We have chosen the following sources: Syllabus, Textbooks, Assessments. Video lectures Textbooks Monographs, Articles
An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics-I: An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics-I: content/uploads/2012/04/Elementary-Linear-Algebra Kuttler-OTC.pdf content/uploads/2012/04/Elementary-Linear-Algebra Kuttler-OTC.pdf
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