Throw It In The Bag Shopping Spree By: Melanie Richardson Antonette Murphy Ami Scott
Question 1 1.)What charity did your team choose? Our charity is American Cancer Society.
Question 2 What makes this a suitable charity? Our charity is suitable because there are people and adults with cancer and also children that don’t feel good about there self because they think there ugly only because their get bald.
Question 3 Why did your team choose this charity? We chose this charity because we want to make the people with cancer feel good about there self.
Ami’s Purchases Yamaha Key Board Piano- $ Nintendo DSI (xL Midnight Blue)-$ IPod Touch(Mp3 Apple)-$ IPod-$ Canon Camera-$ Total Purchases
Ami’s Donation & Savings Deposit American Cancer Society-$50.29 Savings Deposit-$100.00
Name _Ami Scott____________________________ Expense Summary Worksheet (Must be Typed for Final Report) Purchase #1 StoreItemPrice Best Buy Yamaha Keyboard Piano Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable)-40 Add the Amount of Sales Tax (6%) Add Shipping Purchase #1 - Total Purchase #2 StoreItemPrice Best Buy Nintendo DSI xL(Midnight Blue) Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable) Add the Amount of Sales Tax (6%) Add Shipping Purchase #2 - Total Purchase #3 StoreItemPrice Best Buy IPod Touch mp3 (Apple) Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable) Add the Amount of Sales Tax (6%) Add Shipping Purchase #3 - Total Purchase #4 StoreItemPrice Best Buy IPod Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable) Add the Amount of Sales Tax ((6%) Add Shipping Purchase #4 - Total Purchase #5 StoreItemPrice Best Buy Canon- Camera Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable) Add the Amount of Sales Tax ((6%) Add Shipping Purchase #5 - Total Purchases 1-5 Grand Total
Amount Percentage of Total (Hint: Divide Each Amount by $ to get the decimal value. Then convert each decimal to a percent.) Total Purchases $ % Total Savings Deposit $ % Total Charity Donation $50.295% $1, % Name :Ami Scott________________________________ Summary Worksheet (Must be typed for Final Report)
Melanie Purchases Laptop - $ Adidas Shoes Pink and White - $31.46 Nintendo DSI – Blackberry Touch – Adidas Shoes Black and Yellow - $29.39 Total Purchases
Melanie Donations and Saving Deposit American Donation Society – Saving Deposit
Name __Melanie Richardson___________________________________ Expense Summary Worksheet (Must be Typed for Final Report) Purchase #1 StoreItemPrice Best Buy Laptop $ Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable)-$379,99 Add the Amount of Sales Tax (6%)+ $410,24 Add Shipping+ $410,99 Purchase #1 - Total $410,99 Purchase #2 StoreItemPrice Old Navy Adidas shoes $31,46 Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable)- $6.29 Add the Amount of Sales Tax (6%)+ $25.17 Add Shipping Purchase #2 - Total21.56 Purchase #3 StoreItemPrice Best Buy Nintendo Dsi $169,69 Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable)- $67.00 Add the Amount of Sales Tax (6%) Add Shipping Purchase #3 - Total Purchase #4 StoreItemPrice blackberry $99.99 Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable) Add the Amount of Sales Tax ((6%) Add Shipping Purchase #4 - Total Purchase #5 StoreItemPrice Amazon Subtract the Amount of the Discount (if applicable) Add the Amount of Sales Tax ((6%) Add Shipping Purchase #5 - Total Purchases 1-5 Grand Total
Amount Percentage of Total (Hint: Divide Each Amount by $ to get the decimal value. Then convert each decimal to a percent.) Total Purchases % Total Savings Deposit % Total Charity Donation % $1, % Name Melanie Richardson________________________________ Summary Worksheet (Must be typed for Final Report)
Amount Percentage of Total (Hint: Divide Each Amount by $ to get the decimal value. Then convert each decimal to a percent.) Total Purchases % Total Savings Deposit % Total Charity Donation % $2, % Name Melanie Richardson, Ami Scott,& Antonette Murphy_______________________________ Group Summary Worksheet (Must be typed for Final Report)
Throw It In The Bag Shopping Spree included students Ami & Melanie! We learnt how the American Cancer Society make people feel better about their selves. We also learnt that is doesn’t matter what you have, it matters how you act!
Thanks For Watching!