The Beasts of Greek Mythology
Centaurs Horse body, front is human from waist up Gentle and wise Skilled in music and medicine
Cerberus 3 headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld
Chimera Lion in front Goat in middle (goat head) Serpent tail Fire breathing
Cyclops (es = plural) 1 eyed giants Children of Gaia & Uranus, also Poseidon Polyphemus (Odyssey)
Echidna “Mother of all Monsters” Chimera, Cerberus, Sphinx
Gorgons 3 sisters – Medusa most famous Lived underground Snakes instead of hair Scales on body Anyone who looked into their eyes turned to stone.
Griffons Lion bodies Eagle wings & head Guardians of the god’s treasures
Harpies Birds with women’s heads and sharp claws Fierce Preyed on people Pecked eyes out
Hecatonchires Children of Gaia & Uranus 100 hands, 50 heads
Hydra 9 headed dragon When 1 head is cut off, 2 more grow in its place
Minotaur Bull’s head on man’s body Man-eating beast on Crete
Pegasus White winged horse Sprang from blood of Medusa when Perseus killed her
Satyr Part goat part man (usually male) Signify fertility Carefree characters who roam the forest having fun Companions of Pan and Dionysus Play the flute
Sphinx Woman’s head on lion’s body – sometimes shown with wings Riddle: What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs in the evening? Answer: Human
Triton Top half man – bottom half fish (Merman) Son of Poseidon During big war, helped Olympians by blowing a conch shell and scaring Titans.
Other Characters
Nymphs Beautiful women Mostly daughters of Zeus, but some daughters of the Titan Ocean (lived in sea). Often fell in love with human men.
Fates (3) 3 women who control the destiny of humans Hold the threat of life and can cut it when they want to – that is the end of life.
Furies (3) Hideous to look at Bodies of old women Heads of dogs Snakes for hair Bat’s wings Live in Hades and torture people Born of drops of blood that fell on Gaia when Uranus was castrated.
Graces (3) Daughters of Zeus and a sea nymph Beautiful, hand-maidens to Aphrodite Associated with spring
Graeae (3) 3 Sisters of Gorgons Guarded Gorgons Shared 1 eye and 1 tooth Named Spiteful, Terrible and Warlike
Muses (9) Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Goddesses of the arts Followers of Apollo Served as inspiration to humans who wanted to be creative
The End ! Created by Ms. Birtcher February 2011 Westerville North High School English 9