Linear Algebra and Complexity Chris Dickson CAS Advanced Topics in Combinatorial Optimization McMaster University, January 23, 2006
2 Review of linear algebra Complexity of determinant, inverse, systems of equations, etc Gaussian elimination method for soliving linear systems complexity solvability numerical issues Iterative methods for solving linear systems Jacobi Method Gauss-Sidel Method Successive Over-Relaxation Methods Introduction
3 Review A subset L of Rn (respectively Qn) is called a linear hyperplane if L = { x | ax = 0 } for some nonzero row vector a in Rn (Qn). A set U of vectors in R n (respectively Qn) is called a linear subspace of Rn if the following properties hold: The zero vector is in U If x U then x U for any scalar If x,y U then x + y U Important subspaces Null Space : null(A) = { x | Ax = 0 } Image : im(A) = { b | Ax = b for some x in A } A basis for a subspace L is a set of linearly independent vectors that spans L
4 Review Theorem 3.1. Each linear subspace L of R n is generated by finitely many vectors and is also the intersection of finitely many linear hyperplanes Proof : If L is a subspace, then a maximal set of linearly independent vectors from L will form a basis. Also, L is the intersection of hyperplanes { x | a i x = 0 } where the set of all a i are linearly independent generating L* := { z | zx = 0 for all x in L }
5 Review Corollary 3.1a. For each matrix A there exist vectors x 1, …, x T such that: Ax = 0 x = 1 x 1 + … + T x T for certain rationals 1, … T. If x 1, …, x T are linearlly independent they form a fundamental system of solutions to Ax = 0. Corollary 3.1b The system Ax = b has a solution iff yb = 0 for each vector y with yA = 0. [ Fundamental theorem of linear algebra, Gauss 1809].
6 Review Proof : ( ) If Ax=b then when yA = 0 we have yAx = 0 yb = 0. ( )Let im(A) = {z | Ax = z for some x }. By Thrm 3.1 there exists a matrix C such that im(A) = { z | Cz = 0 }. So, CAx = 0 implies that CA is all-zero. Thus: (yA = 0 yb = 0) Cb = 0 b im(A) There is a solution to Ax = b
7 Review Corollary 3.1c. If x 0 is a solution to Ax = b, then there are vectors x 1, …, x t, such that Ax = b iff x = x x 1 + … + t x t for certain rationals 1, …, t. Proof: Ax = b iff A(x – x 0 ) = 0. Cor 3.1a implies: (x – x 0 ) = 1 x 1 + … + t x t x = x x 1 + … + t x t
8 Review Cramer’s Rule: If A is an invertible (n x n)-matrix, the solution to Ax = b is given by: x 1 = detA 1 / detA … x n = detA n / detA A i is defined by replacing the i th column of A by the column vector b.
9 Review Example: 5x 1 +x 2 – x 3 = 4 9x 1 +x 2 – x 3 = 1 x 1 -x 2 +5x 3 = 2 Here, x 2 = det(A 2 ) / det(A) = 166 / 16 =
10 Sizes and Characterizations Rational Number:r = p / q (p Z, q N, relatively prime) Rational Vectorc = ( 1, 2,..., n ) Rational Matrix We only consider rational entries for vectors and matrices.
11 Sizes and Characterizations Theorem 3.2. Let A be a square rational matrix of size . Then, the size of det(A) is less than 2 . Proof: Let A = (p ij /q ij ) for i,j = 1..n. Let detA = p/q where p,q and p ij,q ij are all relatively prime. Then: From the definitition of the determinant:
12 Sizes and Characterizations Noting that |p| = |detA|q, we combine the two formulas to bound p and q: Plugging the bounds for p and q into the definition for the size of a rational number, we get:
13 Sizes and Characterizations Several important corollaries from the theorem Corollary 3.2a. The inverse A -1 of a nonsingular (rational) matrix A has size polynomially bounded by the size of A. Proof: Entries of A -1 are quotients of subdeterminants of A. Then, apply the theorem. Corollary 3.2b. If the system Ax=b has a solution, it has one of size polynomially bounded by the sizes of A and b Proof: Since A -1 is polynomially bounded, then A -1 b is polynomially bounded. This tells us that the Corollary 3.1b provides a good characterization
14 Sizes and Characterizations What if there isn’t a solution to Ax = b? Is this problem still polynomially bounded? Yes! Corollary 3.2c says so! If there is no solution, we can specify a vector y with yA = 0 and yb = 1. By corollary 3.2b, such a vector exists and is polynomially bounded by the sizes of A and b. Gaussian elimination provodes a polynomial method for finding (or not finding) a solution One more thing left to show. Do we know the solution will be polynomially bounded in size?
15 Sizes and Characterizations Corollary 3.2d. Let A be a rational m x n matrix and let b be a rational column vector such that each row of the matrix [A b] has size at most . If Ax = b has a solution, then: { x | Ax = b} = { x x 1 + t x t | i R } (*) for certain rational vectors x 0,...., x t of size at most 4n 2 . Proof: By Cramer’s Rule, there exists x 0,..., x t satisfying (*) which are quotients of subdeterminants of [A b] of order at most n. By theorem 3.2, each determinant has size <= 2n . Each component of x i has size less than 4n . Since each x i has n components, the size of x i is at most 4n 2 .
16 Gaussian Elimination Given a system of linear equations: a 11 x 1 + a 12 x a 1n x n = b 1 a 21 x 1 + a 22 x a 2n x n = b a n1 x 1 + a n2 x a nn x n = b n We subtract appropriate multiples of the first equation from the other equations to get: a 11 x 1 + a 12 x a 1n x n = b 1 a’ 22 x a’ 2n x n = b a’ n2 x a’ nn x n = b n We then recursively solve the system of the last m-1 equations.
17 Gaussian Elimination Operations allowed on matrices: Adding a multiple of one row to another row Permuting rows or columns Forward Elimination: Given a matrix A k of the form We choose a nonzero component of D called the pivot element. Without loss of generality, assume that this pivot element is in D 11. Next, add rational multiples of the first row of D to the other rows in D such that D 11 is the only non-zero element in the first column of D. (B is non-singular, upper triangular, order k)
18 Gaussian Elimination Back Substitution: After FE stage, we wish to transform the matrix into the form: where is non-singular diagonal. We accomplish this by adding multiples of the k th row to the rows 1,..., k-1 such that the element A kk is the only non-zero in the k th row and column for k = r, r-1,..., 1. (r = rank(A))
19 Gaussian Elimination Theorem 3.3. For rational data, the Gaussian elminination method is a polynomial time method. proof is found in the book. It is very longwinded! since operations allowed for GE are polynomially bounded, it only remains to show that numbers do not grow exponentially. Corollary of the theorem implies that other operations on matrices are polynomially solvable as they depend on solving a system of linear equations. calculating determinant of a rational matrix determining the rank of a rational matrix calculating the inverse of a rational matrix testing a set of vectors for linear independence solving a system of rational linear equations
20 Gaussian Elimination Numerical Considerations .A naive pivot strategy always uses D 11 as the pivot. However, this can lead to numerical problems when we do not have exact arithmetic. (ie/ floating point numbers). Partial pivoting always selects the largest element (in absolute value) in the first column of D as the pivot. (swap rows to make this D 11 ) Scaled partial pivoting is like partial pivoting, but it scales the pivot column and row so that D 11 = 1. Full pivoting uses the largest value in the entire D submatrix as the pivot. We then swap rows and columns to put this value in D 11. Studies show that full pivoting usually requires more overhead to be beneficial.
21 Gaussian Elimination Other methods: Gauss-Jordan Method: This method combines the FE and BS stages in Gaussian elimination. inferior to ordinary Gaussian elimination LU Decomposition: Uses GE to decompose original matrix A into the product of a lower and upper triangular matrix. This is the method of choice when we must solve many systems with the same matrix A but with different b’s. We only need to perform FE once, then do back substitution for each right hand side. Iterative Methods: Want to solve Ax = b by determining a sequence of vectors x 0, x 1,..., which eventually converge to a solution x *.
22 Iterative Methods Given Ax = b and x 0, the goal is find a sequence of iterates x 1, x 2,..., x* such that Ax * = b. For most methods, the goal is to split A into A = L + D + U where L is strictly lower triangular, D is diagonal, and U is strictly upper triangular. Example: L D U
23 Iterative Methods Now, we can define how the iteration proceeds. In general: Jacobi Iteration: M j = D, N j = -(L + U). Alternatively, the book presents the iteration: These two are equivalent as book assumes a ii = 1, which means D = D -1 = I. (Identity)
24 Iterative Methods Example: Solve for x in Ax=b using Jacobi’s Method where: Using the iteration in the previous slide and x 0 = b, we obtain: x 1 = [ ] T x 2 = [ ] T x 10 = [ ] T [ x* = [ 1 1 2] T ]
25 Iterative Methods Example 2: Solve for x in Ax=b using Jacobi’s Method where: Using x 0 = b, we obtain: x 1 = [ ] T x 2 = [ ] T x 10 = [ ] T *10 6 [ x* = [ 1 1 1] T ]
26 Iterative Methods.What happened? The sequence diverged! The matrix in the second example was NOT diagonally dominant. Strict diagonal row dominance is sufficient for convergence. Diagonal element is greater than sum of all other elements in the same row (take absolute values!) Not neccessary though as example 1 did not have strict diagonal dominance. Alternatively, book says that Jacobi Method will converge if all eigenvalues of (I - A) are less than 1 in absolute value. Again, this is a sufficient condition. It can be checked that eigenvalues of matrix in first example do not satisfy this condition.
27 Iterative Methods Gauss-Sidel Method: Computes the (i+1) th component of x k+1. ie, where
28 Iterative Methods Gauss-Sidel Method: Alternatively, if we split A = L+D+U, then we obtain the iteration: Where M G = D + L, and N G = -U. Again, it can be shown that the book’s method is equivalent to this method.
29 Iterative Methods Example: Gauss-Sidel Method Starting with x 0 = b, we obtain the sequence: x 1 = [ ] T x 2 = [ ] T x 3 = [ ] T.... x 12 = [ ] T
30 Iterative Methods It should also be noted that in both GS and Jacobi Methods, the choice of M is important. Since the iterations of each method involve inverting M, we should choose M so that this is easy. In Jacobi Method, M is a diagonal matrix Easy to invert! In Gauss-Sidel Method, M is a lower triangular Slightly harder. Although inverse is still lower triangular, we must perform a little more work, but we only have to invert it once. Alternatively, use the strategy by the book to compute iterates component by component.
31 Iterative Methods Successive Over-Relaxation Method (SOR) Write matrices L and U (L lower triangular with diagonal) such that: for some appropriately chosen > 0 ( is the diagonal of A) A related class of iterative relaxation methods for approximating the solution to Ax = b can now be defined.
32 Iterative Methods Algorithm: For a certain with 0< ≤2 convergent if 0< <2 and Ax = b has a solution.
33 Iterative Methods There are many different choices that can be made for the relaxation methods Choice of = 2, then x k+1 is reflection of x k into x i = = 1, then x k+1 is projection of x k onto the hyperplane x i = How to choose violated equation Is it best to just pick any violated equation? Should we have a strategy? (First, Best, Worst, etc) Stopping Criteria: How close is close enough?
34 Iterative Methods Why use iterative methods? Sometimes they will be more numerically stable. Particulary when matrix A is positive-semi-definite and diagonally dominant. (This is the case for the linear least squares problem) If an exact solution is not neccessary. Only need to be ‘close enough’. Which one to use? Compared with Jacobi Iteration, Gauss-Seidel Method converges faster, usually by a factor of 2.
35 References Schrijver, A. Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. John Wiley & Sons, Qiao, S. Linear Systems. CAS 708 Lecture Slides. (2005)