Austin High School Registration Empowering all learners for life!
Research Classes Ask your teachers. They can help you decide if a class is a good choice for you. Discuss with your family and older siblings. See your counselor or assistant principal with questions. What you chose will be what you keep. Choose carefully! Empowering all learners for life!
Language Arts Empowering all learners for life!
Math Progression 3-year minimum 2- or 4-year college, university, or work/vocational program 4-year college or university ; accelerated Non Linear Algebra GeometryHonors Geometry Algebra II College Algebra Prep Honors Algebra II Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus AP Statistics & Functions AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Empowering all learners for life!
Math Progression Empowering all learners for life!
Science Progression 3-year minimum TECHNICAL2-YEAR COLLEGE4-YEAR COLLEGE Non-Science CareersScience Careers General SciencePhysical Science Honors Biology Biology*BiologyHonors Biology*Honors Chemistry Everyday Chemistry *Honors Chemistry or Chemistry *AP Physics Physics*PhysicsAP Biology OROr *AP Physics Anatomy & Physiology Empowering all learners for life!
Science Progression 3-year minimum Empowering all learners for life!
Social Studies Progression 4-year minimum Empowering all learners for life!
Your High School Transcript You have access to a copy of your unofficial transcript through your portal account. (left hand side under “Reports”. Each class passed is worth ½ credit 7 classes = 3 ½ credits each semester It is your responsibility to make sure that you have met all of your graduation requirements for graduation. Any questions, see your counselor. Last names A-K, Mrs. Keenan Last names L-Z, Mr. Ott Empowering all learners for life!
What if I fail a required course? You are given an excellent opportunity to pass your classes at AHS. Summer School and Credit Recovery are your ONLY options for recovering credit lost from failure of a required course. There are two (2) sessions of summer school. 12 days in length. 8:00 – 1:00. Each session is worth ½ (.5)credit. Credit Recovery that runs during the school year has three sessions, one in the fall, one in the winter and one in the spring. E2020 classes run Monday-Thursdays from 3:45-5:45 pm. Empowering all learners for life!
What if I fail a required course? To be considered on-track to graduate, a 12 th grader next year, you will need to complete a minimum of 17 credits by next fall. To be eligible for sports 18 credits need to be completed! Make your Senior year a great one! Empowering all learners for life!
Athletics at AHS Austin High School offers the following competitive opportunities: Adapted BowlingDance TeamGirl’s HockeyBoys’ Tennis BaseballFootballSoftballGirls’ Tennis Boys’ BasketballBoys’ GolfBoys’ SoccerBoys’ Track Girls’ BasketballGirls’ GolfGirls’ SoccerGirls’ Track CheerleadingGirls’ GymnasticsBoys’ Swimming/Diving Volleyball Cross CountryBoys’ HockeyGirls’ Swimming/Diving Wrestling We are a member of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and the Big 9 Conference. To be eligible to participate in a sport, students must comply with MSHSL as well as specific District rules.
Eligibility for Athletics AHS Empowering all learners for life! In order to be eligible for sports, you must have accumulated the following credits: Grade 9: End of 1 st semester= 3 credits Grade 10:Start of year= 6 credits/End of 1 st semester=9 credits Grade 11:Start of year= 12 credits/End of 1 st semester= 15 credits Grade 12:Start of year= 18 credits/End of 1 st semester= 21 credits
NCAA Division I/II Eligibility Empowering all learners for life! If you are interested in participating in athletics at the college level: Division I – 16 Core Course Rule + earn a minimum GPA in core courses + earn a qualifying ACT or SAT test score Division II – 14 Core Course Rule + earn a minimum GPA in core courses + earn a qualifying ACT or SAT See Course Registration Guide or your counselor for specific details or visit
Activities at AHS Austin High School offers the following club opportunities: AFS Amer. Field ServiceDrama ClubRobotics-Physics Art ClubFigure SkatingScience Olympiad ArcheryFrench ClubSkills USA BikingFuture Farmers of America (FFA) Student Council BowlingGo Green ClubStudent Union ChoiceKnowledge BowlTable Tennis Clay TargetMath LeagueWeight Training DECANational Honor Society (NHS) World Language Diversity-Fusion ClubPromYouth Leadership Empowering all learners for life!
Attendance Policy Excused Absences Unexcused Absences Bring note within two days Tardies 4 Tardies = consequence from teacher Loss of Credit – Hold on Grades Grades will be held in any course where the student exceeds exceeds nine (9) absences within a semester. Empowering all learners for life!
Who are these people? 11 th /12th Last Names A-K Mrs. Keenan/Counselor 11 th /12 th Last Names L-Z Mr. Ott/Counselor Mrs. Malo Assistant Principal 9-12Mrs. Baskin Principal 9-12Mrs. Quednow Activities Director Empowering all learners for life!
Completing the Course Request Form Please: *See your core teachers in Language Arts Math Science Social Studies for recommendations for next year. (Must sign up for full load of classes = 7 credits plus 3 credits of electives, and 3 credits of alternates) Empowering all learners for life!
Completing the Course Request Form Select: Seven (7) full credits required and electives courses, plus 3 alternate full credits electives (or combination to equal this) If you don’t choose, counseling will choose for you! (This includes alternates.) You may list by priority in numeric order! Then input in that order through IC. Select classes carefully as they will be a part of your schedule next year. Changes may NOT occur later!!!!!!!! Empowering all learners for life!
Registration Info Online Go to the Austin High School website Click on Our Schools Click on Austin High School Click on Counseling Left hand side Course Registration Information Click on CRG FINAL COPY Empowering all learners for life!
Conference/Parent Involvement Conferences are March 12 from 4-8 pm! parents Talk with your parents regarding your course selections Input Course Request for next year with your Connect Teacher over the following week Attend Conferences with your parents Empowering all learners for life!
Grad Requirements ENGLISH | 4 years/4 credits MATHEMATICS | 3 years/3 credits SCIENCE | 3 years/3 credits SOCIAL STUDIES | 4 years/4 credits PHY ED | 2 semesters/1 credit HEALTH | 1 semester/.5 credit VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS | 2 semesters/1 credit Total of 24 credits to graduate + Take MCA GRAD tests & ACT on April 28, 2015: Writing 9| Reading 10 | Math 11 | ACT Empowering all learners for life!
Any other questions… Empowering all learners for life!