Homework for October 2011 Nikolay Kostov Telerik Corporation
1. Write a HTML page, containing simple Wikipedia-like page with paragraphs, images, lists, tables, etc. Use your own HTML and CSS code. 2. Write the Facebook ( registration form with custom validation for all fields. Use your own HTML and CSS code. You are allowed to use pure JavaScript or any JavaScript library you want (like jQuery, DOJO, Prototype, etc.)
3. Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 50 that are not divisible by 5 and 7 5. Write a program that prints HTML table with N columns and N rows with the numbers 1, 2, 3,... in its cells for a given N, defined as a constant 6. Write a program that finds the minimal element of an given indexed array
7. Write a program that calculates N! (factorial 1*2*..*N) for a defined constant N 8. Write a program that calculates N!*K!/(N- K)! for defined constants N and K 9. Write a program that prints the binary representation of a decimal number N, defined by a constant 10. Write a program that prints the decimal representation of a binary number, defined in a string
11. Write a page with a contact-us form (fields: name, , phone, address, select box with several department names to select from, subject, body, submit & reset buttons). Check and validate the submitted data at server-side (PHP). If data is incorrect, show error to the user and fill the data back in the form. Note: Make sure data is with the correct type! Write client-side (JavaScript) validation of the given user input data.
12. Create a file questions.txt that is in the following format First line – question id Second line – question text Third line – question answer 13. Create a web page that displays the question text and a user input for each question 14. Create a PHP Script as a POST action which checks if the answers are correct