Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Least Restrictive Environme nt D ecision M aking L R E.


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Presentation transcript:

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Least Restrictive Environme nt D ecision M aking L R E

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 The IEP series… The IEP Team Content of the IEP Meetings of IEP Team LRE Decision Making Children with Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 This module looks at : Defining Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) — Requirements (§ ) — Continuum of alternative placements (§ ) — Placements (§ ) — Nonacademic settings (§ ) Role of “ Supplementary Aids and Services ” in Supporting Participation of Children with Disabilities Factors to Consider in LRE Decision Making Resources to Support Children in the LRE

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Defining LRE § LRE requirements. To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with children who are nondisabled Each public agency must ensure that— and…

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Defining LRE Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only… …if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 States must not use a funding mechanism that distributes funds based on the type of setting in which a child is served, if doing so leads to a violation of LRE requirements Defining LRE Placement decisions must be based on a child ’ s unique needs and IEP, not on administrative convenience, disability/program label, or allocation of funds Placement-Neutral Funding

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 More >><< Less regular classes …includes instruction in: hospitals or institutions child ’ s home special schools special classes Continuum of Alternative Placements Defining LRE Restrictive

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Placement decisions are made by a group of persons, including the parents, who are knowledgeable: about the child the meaning of the evaluation data the placement options Defining LRE Placements

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 The child ’ s placement is determined at least annually Is based on the child ’ s IEP Is as close as possible to the child's home Unless child ’ s IEP requires another arrangement, child is educated in the school that he or she would attend if nondisabled Defining LRE Placements

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Consideration must be given to any potential harmful effect on the child or on the quality of services that he or she needs A child with a disability may not be removed from education in age-appropriate regular classrooms solely because of needed modifications in the general education curriculum AccommodationsPDF.pdf Defining LRE Placements

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Each public agency must ensure that… Participation in Extracurricular and Nonacademic Services and Activities the child has supplementary aids and services determined appropriate and necessary by the child ’ s IEP Team to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities Meals Athletics Transportation Recess, clubs, and more Defining LRE

Produced by NICHCY, 2007 Special education is not a place. It ’ s a set of services and supports Where a child with a disability receives special education services is that child ’ s placement The first “ where ” to consider is… Summarizing LRE

Compliance & monitoring Samples and suggestions for writing appropriate LRE statement…

2012 Compliance Describing the placement; and, Explaining the necessity of the restrictiveness of a placement outside of general education, based on the nature and severity of the students disability.

Clarification Why – Does the nature and severity of the child's disability is such that he/she must be removed from general education to receive services? Missing – what is the child missing from general education peers when pulled for direct special education services in the special education setting Match – Does the LRE match the service grid information?

Sample of Non-Compliance Ricky will spend no less than 79% of his school day in a general education setting with his peers. He will receive the majority of his special education services in the general education setting.

Sample of Compliance Ricky needs intensive social skills instruction and practice in a small group situation in order to improve his ability to resolve conflict and cooperative with peers. He will receive this instruction from the social worker and EBD teacher during his study hall.

Supplementary Aids and Services Examples: –Adapted equipment –Adapted materials –Special technology –Training and consultation for staff, student, and/or parents –Peer Tutors –One:one aides

Sample of Non-Compliance Alita may need special supplies in order to participate in classes requiring writing

Sample of Compliance Alita’s case manager will provide each of her regular and special education teachers with raised line paper and ¾” foam pencil grips for her to use when completing all assignments requiring writing.

For more information…. MN Manual of Accomodations Extra Curriculur Flow Chart