Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) Hazrat Abbas Bin Ali (AS) Hazrat Ali Akber Bin Hussain (AS) Hazrat Ali Asghar Bin Hussain (AS) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Ali (AS) Hazrat Jafer Bin Ali (AS) Hazrat Usman Bin Ali (AS) Hazrat Abu Baker Bin Ali (AS) Hazrat Abu Baker Bin Hasan Bin Ali (AS) Hazrat Qasim Bin Hasan Bin Ali(AS) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Hassan (AS) Hazrat Aun bin Abdullah Bin Jafer (AS) Hazrat Mohammad Bin Abdullah bin Jafer (AS) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Muslim Bin Aqeel (AS) Hazrat Mohammad BIN Muslim (AS) Hazrat Mohammad Bin Saeed bin Aqeel (AS) Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bin Aqeel (AS) Hazrat Jafer Bin Aqeel (AS) Hazrat Uns Bin Hars Asadi (AS) Hazrat Habib Bin Mazahir Asadi (AS) Hazrat Muslim Bin Ausaja Asadi (AS) Hazrat Qais Bin Masher Asadi (AS) NAMES OF 72 MARTYRS
Hazrat Abu Samama Umru Bin Abdullah (AS) Hazrat Boreer Hamdani (AS) Hazrat Hanala Bin Asad (AS) Hazrat Abis Shakri (AS) Hazrat Abdul Rehman Rahbi (AS) Hazrat Saif Bin Hars (AS) Hazrat Amer Bin Abdullah Hamdani (AS) Hazrat Junada Bin Hars (AS) Hazrat Majma Bin Abdullah (AS) Hazrat Nafey Bin Halal (AS) Hazrat Hajjaj Bin Masrooq (AS) Hazrat Umer Bin Qarza (AS) Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bin Abd-e-Rub (AS) Hazrat Junada Bin Kab (AS) Hazrat Amer Bin Janada (AS) Hazrat Naeem Bin Ajlan (AS) Hazrat Saad Bin Hars (AS) Hazrat Zuhair Bin Qain (AS) Hazrat Salman Bin Mazarib (AS) Hazrat Saeed Bin Umer (AS) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Basheer (AS) Hazrat Yazid Bin Zaid Kandi (AS) Hazrat Harb Bin Umr-ul-Qais (AS) Hazrat Zaheer Bin Amer (AS) Hazrat Basheer Bin Amer (AS) NAMES OF 72 MARTYRS
Hazrat Abdullah Arwah Gahffari (AS) Hazrat Jhon (AS) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Ameer (AS) Hazrat Abdul Aala Bin Yazeed (AS) Hazrat Saleem Bin Ameer (AS) Hazrat Qasim Bin Habib (AS) Hazrat Zaid Bin Saleem (AS) Hazrat Noman Bin Umer (AS) Hazrat Yazeed Bin Sabeet (AS) Hazrat Amir Bin Muslim (AS) Hazrat Saif Bin Malik (AS) Hazrat Jabir Bin Hajjaji (AS) Hazrat Masood Bin Hajjaji (AS) Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bin Masood (AS) Hazrat Baker Bin Haee (AS) Hazrat Ammar Bin Hassan Tai (AS) Hazrat Zurghama Bin Malik (AS) Hazrat Kanana Bin Ateeq (AS) Hazrat Aqaba Bin Sult (AS) Hazrat Hur Bin Yazeed Tameemi (AS) Hazrat Habala Bin Ali Sheebani (AS) Hazrat Qanab Bin Umer (AS) Hazrat Abdullah Bin yaqter (AS) Hazrat Ghulam-e-Turki (AS) NAMES OF 72 MARTYRS
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: "The best of Jihad is that of a word of right spoken to an unjust ruler
Imam HUSAYN (A.S.) said to his son Ali (A.S.): O son, beware of wronging him who does not have a supporter except Allah the Majestic
(Bihar al-Anwar, vol,: 44;pg,:293.) Laughing Eyes The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: O' Fatimah! Every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Husain (A.S.) for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol,: 44;pg,:293.)
(Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol. 10,pg. 318) The Heat of Husayni Love The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: Surely, there exists in the hearts of the Mu' mineen, with respect to the martyrdom of Husain (A.S.), a heat that never subsides. (Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol. 10,pg. 318)
Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.” Imam Husayn: Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.” “O Allah! You know that all there was from us was not in competition to seek power, nor to gain refuse of the world, but it was nothing other than to present the signs and essence of Your religion, and to promote reform in Your land, (so that) oppressed members of your servants find safety and security, and Your laws, orders and obligations are acted upon.”
The punishment inflicted on the murderer of Husayn (AS) in Hell would be equal to half of the total punishment to be imposed on the entire sinners of the world. Holy Prophet (SAW)
Ibn Sad narrates from ash-Shabi: Imam 'Ali, while on his way to Siffin, passed through the desert of Karbala', there he stopped and wept very bitterly. When interrogated regarding the cause of his weeping, he commented that one day he visited the Holy Prophet and found him weeping. When he asked the Apostle of Allah as to what was the reason which made him weep, he replied, "O 'Ali, Gabriel has just been with me and informed me that my son Husayn would be martyred in Karbala', a place near the bank of the River Euphrates. This moved me so much that I could not help weeping."
Sir Muhammad Iqbal says: Imam Husayn uprooted despotism forever till the Day of Resurrection. He watered the dry garden of freedom with the surging wave of his blood, and indeed he awakened the sleeping Muslim nation.
Khwaja Muinu'd-Din Chishti says: He gave his head, but did not put his hand into the hands of Yazid. Verily, Husayn is the foundation of LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH. Husayn is lord and the lord of lords. Husayn himself is Islam and the shield of Islam. Though he gave his head (for Islam) but never pledged Yazid. Truly Husayn is the founder of "There is no Deity except Allah."
‘I do not see death except happiness and prosperity, and life with oppressors but anguish Imam Husayn (AS)
‘I swear by God, I shall not surrender as a humiliated person, and shall not escape like slaves.’ Imam Husayn (AS)
‘I do not see death except happiness and prosperity, and life with oppressors but anguish.’ Imam Husayn (AS)
‘If you do not believe in a religion, and do not fear the hereafter, then be free (from arrogance) in your lives.’ Imam Husayn (AS)
Whosoever wishes to see such a person who lives on earth but whose dignity is honored by the Heaven-dwellers, should see my grandson Husayn. Holy Prophet (SAW)
Z - Zainab, the beauty of her father BIBI ZAINAB (A.S) Z - Zainab, the beauty of her father A - Aun and Mohammed she sacrificed for the sake of her brother I - In spreading Karbala’s message she played a big role N - Never did she complain about the pain inflicted on her soul A - At last they were freed from the prison of Shaam B - But how could they leave Sakina, Aliasgher and all the rest behind to go back home?? Banaatul Islam
BIBI KULTHOOM (A.S) K - Kulthoom, the sister of Zainab (a.s) U - Understood the pain of Aliasgher’s mother, Rubab L - Ladies were also not left alone T - They were severely tortured after the men were gone H - Husayn’s family was imprisoned O - O Allah! This stands to be questioned O - O Kulthoom pray for us to Allah because your status is high M - May He grant us the strength to be your faithful Azaadaar till we die. Banaatul Islam
Think not of those who are slain in God's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. Holy Quran (3:169)
E-Enemies were destroyed R-Roots of Islam grew POEM K-King of martyr’s E-Enemies were destroyed R-Roots of Islam grew B-Bani Israel’s got victory A-Always in our mind L-Land for which we are proud of A-Allah (SWT) keep Kerbala safe from enemies Done by: Zishan e Fatemah Bandali
H- Humanity they taught us A- Abbas was the flag bearer M- Mourning month U- United they were H- Humanity they taught us A- Abbas was the flag bearer R- Rabab gave her baby A- Aliasgher was his name M- Mother’s cry for him forever Done by: Zishan e Fatemah Bandali