Presentations on Sonship.  Genesis 3:15 – a “seed” of future enmity, referring to Christ.


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Presentations on Sonship in the Old Testament
Presentation transcript:

Presentations on Sonship

 Genesis 3:15 – a “seed” of future enmity, referring to Christ

 Matthew: Demons call Him Son, The Son will return and called the Son of man – is the Suffering Son, who saves the lost (8:29, 13:41, 16:13, 18:11,20:28, 26:49)  Mark – Son of God and Son of David, who defies death (1:1, 9:9, 15:39, 12:35) Listen to the Son (9:7)He, the sacrifice, who came to serve (9:31, 10:33&35) and is seated at the right hand of the Father (14:64)  Hebrews - God has spoken through the Son (1:2) The Son is a priest (4:14 & 10:29), the High Priest (7:28)  2 Peter The beloved Son is Jesus (1:15), who pleases the Father (17)

 Isaiah - The branch (Is. 4:2); Immanuel (7:17); The Son who is born to us (96); the shoot (11:1); source of Israel’s salvation (62:22)  Jeremiah – The righteous branch (23:5) The prince (30:21)  Ezekiel – Servant David, the One Shepherd (37:24); the forever Prince (37:25)  Daniel - 4th man in furnace is the Son of God (3:25); forever Kingdom (7:13-14); The son is the anointed One (9:26)  Hosea – The Son who is brought out of egypt – 11:1  Zech -

 Romans – From David (1:3); Resurrected (1:4); Brings reconciliation to God the Father (5:10); Condemned through sin (8:3), the future image of conformity (8:29)  Galatians – Born of a woman (4:4); Life given through Son (2:20); Son redeems (4:45)  Ephesians – The Son is the point of the subject of Unity(4:13)  Colossians – The Son is King (1:13)  1 Thess. – Gives deliverance (1:10)  2 Tim. 2:8 – He is the offspring of David

 2 Samuel 7:14 – Prophecy of the Davidic Son, who’s kingdom is everlasting  1 Chronicles 17:13 – God will not take away mercy from Davidic line – the coming Son  Psalm 2:7 - Son given things by the Father  Psalm 2:12 – Kiss the Son, be for Him, or You are against Him  Psalm 22:7 – The Son will be hated (Is. 53:2-3)  Psalm 72:17 – Son given fame and glory  Psalm 89:4 – Connected to 1 Chronicles 17:13

 Son of God mentioned – John 1:49  The Son is Holy – Luke 1:35  Son can forgive sins – Luke 5:29, 1 John 3:16 & 4:4  Has authority to destroy works of the devil – 1 John 3:8  Son cleanses from Sin – 1 John 1:7  Man names (Son of God, Son of man, Lord of the Sabbath, Son of Nazareth, etc.)  Savior of the lost (Luke 19:10)  John 15 – He is the Vine and we are the branches, fully dependent on Him  1 John 5:11ff – The Son is the path to everlasting Life  We have fellowship with the Son (1 John 1:3)