By Daniel Siassi
XHTML For Structure CSS For Stylization of Structure SQL Database Store Customer, Calendar, and Order Data PHP Server-side processing of I/O
Introduces Website Presents user with different options Pricing, Contact Info, Log In, Signing Up
Checks login information Events Calendar Allow user to perform different actions for their accounts. Account Updates, Feedback, Order History, Making Orders
Displays current information for user Updates password, phone number OR , and last name.
Allows user to view personal order history. Displays every order made with Dames Catering.
First, the day for the event is selected. Second, the location is entered. Next, the food is chosen. A display of the order is then shown to the user. Once submitted, a confirmation of the order is displayed.
Client-Side program for handling the database information as necessary. View Entire Order History View and Edit Comments View and Edit Recent Orders Viewing All Customers Editing Calendar of Events
Displays all orders ever made with Dames Catering.
Allows administrator to view and remove comments from database.
Allows administrator to view orders and drop them after handling them.
Allows administrator to view all customers in Dames Catering and their information.
Editing days for which customers can and cannot make orders on.
Using Javascript or expanding CSS for a more decorative look. Protection from code injection. Usage of cookies rather than hidden forms to keep login and order information persistent during a user session. Create search filters for viewing customers, orders, and comments.
Including dates for the day an order is made, and counters for comments, customers, and orders. , Address, and Phone Number validation tools. Password security check. Possible encryption for order IDs and passwords in database.