Jeopardy! (The Odyssey Edition!) CharactersEvents Epic Elements Epic Terms Misc
Character: 100 Who the son of Lartes who lived in Ithica?
Character Answer: 100 Odysseus (he’s kind of a big deal)
Character: 200 Who is the Cyclopes' father and of what two things is he god?
Character Answer: 200 Poseidon Sea & earthquakes
Character: 300 Who is the evil witch who curses Odyssey’s men and how did she curse them?
Character Answer: 300 Circe Turned them into pigs
Character:400 Gets very upset when his immortal cattle gets eaten. –(Which is understandable)
Character Answer: 400 The sun god Helios
Character: 500 Who foretold Odysseus’ future in the Underworld/ Land of the Dead
Character Answer: 500 Teiresias
Character: 600 What is the Cyclopes’ real name?
Character Answer: 600 Polyphemus
Events: 100 In what war did Odyssey fight?
Events Answer: 100 Trojan War –City of Troy
Events: 200 When the story starts where is Odysseus and how long has he been there?
Events Answer: 200 Calypso’s Island 7 years
Events: 300 Why doesn’t Odysseus just kill the Cyclops when he has the chance?
Events Answer: 300 He and his men would have been trapped in the cave because they wouldn’t have been able to move the boulder that blocked the opening to the cave.
Events: 400 Why do the men go back to Circe’s island after the Land of the Dead?
Events Answer: 400 They need to bury Elpinor (who they find in the Underworld), he died on Circe’s island.
Events: 500 Circe and Teiresias both warn Odysseus of what?
Events Answer: 500 That if he and his men eat the cattle of Helios, they will all die and Odysseus won’t see his home for many years.
Events: 600 What does Helios threaten to do and how does Zeus placate (satisfy) him?
Events Answer:600 Helios threatens to stop the sun from shining. Zeus send a lightening bolt down and kills all of Odysseus’ men and destroys his ship.
Epic Elements: 100 When Odysseus and his crew encounter the Sirens (whose song puts men in a trance so they can eat them) this would be an example of what epic element?
Epic Elements Answer: 100 Strange Creatures
Epic Elements: 200 An epic hero should have super human strength, confidence and _________. (Odysseus displays this last trait many times)
Epic Elements Answer: 200 Cunning, cleverness or intelligence (any of these are acceptable)
Epic Elements: 300 Which Archetype does Circe represent with in epic story?
Epic Elements Answer: 300 Wicked Temptress
Epic Elements: 400 When Hermes tells Odysseus how to defeat Circe and Poseidon makes it difficult for Odysseus to get home, these are examples of what epic plot element?
Epic Elements Answer: 400 Divine intervention –(Hero is helped or harmed by the gods)
Epic Elements: 500 One of the elements of an epic is a strange creature (ie monster). List 3 the monsters Odysseus and his men have encountered thus far.
Epic Elements Answer: 500 Cyclops Witch Cannibals Ghosts Sirens Scylla –(12 tentacles, 6 heads) Charybdis –(whirl pool with mouth and sharp teeth)
Epic Elements: 600 List all the epic elements found in the passage. –The wind and rain raged, but Percy confidently stepped forward. He had managed to stay alive though the volcano's eruption and the deadly snake pit. He might be in a strange new land, but he was determined to get home.
Epic Elements Answer: 600 –The wind and rain raged, but Percy confidently stepped forward. He had managed to stay alive though the volcano's eruption and the deadly snake pit. He might be in a strange new land, but he was determined to get home.
Epic Terms:100 This is a fictional story that explains a natural phenomenon (such as weather)
Epic Terms Answer: 100 Myths!
Epic Terms: 200 Clues as to the outcome of a situation or event
Epic Terms Answer: 200 Foreshadowing
Epic Terms: 300 A long narrative poem about a hero. –we have used this word a lot lately.
Epic Terms Answer: 300 EPIC!
Epic Terms: 400 Comparison using like or as…with the world epic at the beginning
Epic Terms Answer: 400 Epic Simile!
Epic Terms: 500 What is interesting about how The Odyssey is written?
Epic Terms Answer: 500 It is not a linear plot. It starts on Calypso’s Island which is more than 7 years after the Trojan War. Odysseus then “flashes back” to the events right after the Trojan War.
Epic Terms: 600 Explain Odyssey’s attitude towards his crew as they are about to face Charydbis and Scylla.
Epic Terms Answer: 600 He tries to be motivational to get the crew to keep moving.
Misc:100 Who is waiting for Odysseus at home and what are their names?
Misc Answer: 100 Penelope = Wife Telemachus = Son
Misc: 200 Describe the choice Odysseus has to make when sailing between Scylla and Charybdis.
Misc Answer: 200 Scylla= 6 men would definitely die. Charydbis= all would die.
Misc: 300 What did Odysseus use to attract the ghosts in the underworld?
Misc. Answer: 300 The blood of a slaughtered animal, the ghosts like to drink it.
Misc: 400 Fill in the blanks: Leaves the city of Troy Lands on King Alcinous’ island and tells his story. Attack Cicones (Troy’s ally) lose 72 men _________ Land on Circe’s island. She turns them to pigs Go to the Underworld _________ Island of Helios, Men eat cattle _________
Misc Answer: 400 Fill in the blanks: Leaves the city of Troy Lands on King Alcinous’ island and tells his story. Attack Cicones (Troy’s ally) lose 72 men Island with the Cyclops Land on Circe’s island. She turns them to pigs Go to the Underworld Scylla and Charydbis Island of Helios, Men eat cattle Island of Calypso Island of the lotus eaters
Misc: 500 Give the class your best “hero” pose, starting….NOW!
Misc Answer: 500 Visual judgment of class needed.
Misc: 600 Spell your current English teacher’s first and last name.
Misc Answer: 600 Kirsten Clendenin