Sociology Study Guide Question # 1 What is sociology? Sociology is defined as the systematic study of people’s behavior in groups. The word sociology comes from a Latin word, socio, meaning “people together” and a Greek word, logos, meaning “the study of.” A French mathematician, by the name of August Comte, was the first to put together questions and theories that related directly to the behavior of people in groups.
Sociology Sociology, Psychology, and Anthropology are all called behavioral sciences because in some way they all deal with how people act or how they behave. Psychology as we have seen looks at the behavior of individuals. Sociology now tries to find out how and why that same individual may act differently when they are in a group. Anthropology looks at how cultural behavior has developed over centuries of time and what changes have taken place in those cultures.
Sociology All three of the behavioral sciences use a variety of tools to gather information and try to come to some conclusion. Those include the following: Observation-your behavior is annotated Analysis-the information that is collected is reviewed to determine its relevance. Surveys-behavioral scientists will ask large groups of people questions to gather data. Interviews-specific people will be selected in the information gathering process Role playing-simulations of circumstances that may arise concerning the behavior of people.
Sociology Question # 2 Why do people live in groups? Groups provide a number of things to individuals. They might include; security, accomplishment, reward, success, etc. There are a number of different categories of groups. They are usually broken down into primary and secondary groups. Community and society would also be included in the division of different categories of groups.
Sociology A primary group is that group of people that you have a very close relationship with. They should give you the highest level of support and you should have the deepest emotional attachment with them. Your families and closest of friends would be those people considered to be primary groups. A secondary group is usually much larger and you are not nearly as emotionally attached to that group. Your workplace or school in general may be considered a primary group environment.
Sociology Community would be considered the third group. This is much larger and again less personal. Your city or town or neighbor hood would fall into this category. Society would be the largest of the group divisions that the text uses. This would be one of the largest groups that you are associated with. The country that you live in is thought to be categorized as this type of group. All four levels of group behavior and involvement are studied.
Sociology Experiment 4-A Handout. Question # 3 What is a role? This is the behavior that a person is supposed to have in any one of the categories of groups that we just mentioned. Experiment 4-B Text page 157. Your role in groups changes as you grow older. Groups become more varied and set down rules and regulations for you to follow. You learn these roles and rules through a process called socialization.
Sociology The socialization process includes learning the rules or standards that are used in groups and the level of seriousness that each has. Sociologists call these rules norms or standards of social behavior. In other words society decides what is normal and what isn’t. Those that act normal are taken for granted or even rewarded, those that act abnormal are singled out and either their behavior is corrected or they are punished.
Sociology There are three types of norms, they are; Folkways-are norms of politeness and or customs. Your manners would also be examples. The punishment for breaking a folkway isn’t usually severe, but people do begin to question your behavior as a bit uncouth. If the behavior continues it may lead to more severe consequences.
Sociology 2. Mores-are norms that are taken more seriously than folkways. Mores are often associated with doing something immoral or wrong in the eyes of society. Mores do change as the nature of a society changes. When you violate a more you may lose the trust of the people around you. If you break a more you may be punished with jail time. 3. Laws- are norms that are extensions of mores. The government decides what kind of behavior is acceptable in a culture and then punishes those that fall outside of those standards. These as well do change as the culture changes.
Sociology Question # 4 What are sanctions? In all three groups of norms your behavior is punished or rewarded based on what you do. Positive sanctions give you some type of reward or positive feedback for your actions. Your behavior will continue as it has in the past. Negative sanctions are associated with a punishment for your behavior. The idea behind this is to change the behavior or bring it to an end completely. If that does not work a society may remove you from their midst by using jail or prison. Some societies go to the extreme and put people to death.
Sociology Experiment 4-C Text pages 160-162. A peer group would be considered the people who are about your same age that you tend to be influenced by the most. Sometimes this is really good or times not so good. The text talks about role conflict which some sociologists believe comes about because of your peer group. Your parents and school may have a certain set of expectations for you that come into direct conflict with the group of friends that you have chosen to hang around with.
Sociology Question # 5 Define the term institution and name the five major social institutions. An institution is defined as the organization or group in a society that provides for the needs of it’s people. The five major social institutions in all societies are: family, education, government, religion, and economic functions. Remember these exist in all societies of the world in some way shape or form. They do change and adjust as the culture within a society changes and adjusts.
Sociology The human needs that are satisfied by each of the institutions include the following; Family-socialization of children, physical and emotional support, a sense of belongingness. Education-dispensation of knowledge, t helping families teach the value system of society. Government-makes and enforces the laws. Religion-meets the individuals need to worship. Economic-provides for the production of goods and services in a country. Each country and social culture is different based on what the expectations of that society are. They will change over time as well. Experiment 4-D Handout Sanctions
Sociology Question # 6 What is the difference between a nuclear family and an extended family? A nuclear family would be one consisting of just two generations of people, basically mom, pop, and the kids. An extended family on the other hand may include grandparents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews along with the nuclear group. This is much more common in the cultures outside of the United States.
Sociology A matriarchal family is considered one that is dominated by the mother in the household. Whatever mom says goes. A patriarchal family on the other hand is dominated by the father of the house. Moms and Dads try to be equalitarian in nature where both make the decisions, but you guys play that pretty good.
Sociology Marriages in some cultures are not monogamous in nature. These marriages consist of more than one marriage partner. That type of marriage is called polygamy. Polygamy can exist in two ways. Polygyny where a man has more than one wife. Polyandry where a woman has more than one husband. These types of marriages are more commonly found in third world countries. Experiment 4-E Handout Roles in the family
Sociology Question # 7 What are the three basic functions of the institution of education? Education passes on the values, norms and roles of the society from one generation to the next. Education prepares young people for their future. This allows a young adult the ability to adapt and survive. Money it is true cannot buy happiness but it does buy things that can make life easier and more enjoyable. Education teaches about the past and how it has had an impact on the present and how it will affect the future. All in all education is a never ending process. Experiment 4-F
Sociology Question # 8 What are the functions of government as a social institution? It is the job of the government to make and enforce laws. It does this to provide protection and security for the citizens in its country. Too many laws??????? Governments must also protect themselves from harm. They do this by building a strong military and creating alliances with other countries. The government is also charged with passing along the values of it’s culture. Conservatives and liberals are in constant debate on this one. Finally the government acts as your representative to the rest of the world. They sign treaties and trade for your benefit.
Sociology Territoriality is the tendency to protect a certain area as your own. The government establishes boundaries or borders and enforces its laws within those borders. If a person commits a crime in another state they will be extradited back to the original state of jurisdiction. Experiment 4-H Text page 174
Sociology Question # 9 What are surveys of public opinion? An interviewer will conduct a public opinion poll. In other words a person or organization goes out and asks people their opinion on an issue or object to try to draw a conclusion about the issue or object. A question might read something like, is the ban on smoking in public places hurting bar owners? Experiment 4-G
Sociology The five steps followed by interviewers in conducting a survey are. Choose a topic or issue. Decide on the group that they are going to survey. Decide on the sample from the previous group that you will actually survey. Create at least five good questions. Draw a conclusion from the responses that you received on the surveys.
Sociology Question # 10. Experiment 4-I Handout What are the purposes and roles of the religious and economic institutions? Religion was established to provide people with a sense of purpose. What is the meaning of life? It also promotes the values of a society. The economic institution was established to allow to people to make a living so they can survive. Your lifestyle is often closely associated with the amount of money that you have available to spend.
Sociology Question # 11 What are values? A value is an idea or belief about the “goodness” or “badness” if a person, thing, situation, or action. The socialization process provides a basis to create your values. Each institution in a society teaches you different things about what is right or wrong good or bad in a culture. Values are passed on from generation to generation and change and adjust as the norms of a society change. Divorce would be a good example.
Sociology Advertisements and there relationship to values are important to you as well as the manufacturer of a product. It is the job of the advertising agency to convince you as a consumer that without question you need their product. Abercrombie is a good example of this. This was a company that once sold fishing equipment that was going bankrupt, but the name sounded cool so advertisers decided they could convince young people that they were not cool unless you wore their clothing. It worked, Abercrombie sold like wild because well I don’t know it was just cool. Experiment 4-K
Sociology Question # 12 What is social stratification? Social stratification is the way that society ranks its members. The position that you hold on that ladder of success is considered your status. Your status is usually achieved or evaluated by the following. By the amount of money you make. By the level of your education. By the kind of work that you do. By the kind of home that you live in. As well a variety of other factors.
Sociology The three major social classes are: Upper class associated with wealth, prestigious jobs, beautiful homes, college degrees, lots of leisure time, lots of power in a community, philanthropy, and the ability to pass on their status to the next generation. Middle class associated with the working class. These people as well have good jobs, extended educational experiences, help run the communities that they live in and enjoy a lifestyle that for the most part is good. Lower class is associated with those people who do not possess the skills to attain the things that the other classes have. Some live in poverty a situation that calls for constant need. The biggest drawback seems to be a lack of education.
Sociology In all classes there are symbols or signs of where you exist. Material things like cars, homes, recreational vehicles, clothing, jewelry all symbolize who you are. As well titles and honors give an indication of success and status. A PHD or MD stands much higher on the social scale than does a HSDO. These items give a person a status of prestiage.
Sociology Prestige is, as was mentioned the status that people look up to. These people are famous, they are bestowed with honors, and have the highest respect in a community and country