Auburn + Lewiston Drafting A New Charter January 14, 2015
Agenda 1.What we’ve been doing 2.Questions so far on some key issues City Council: composition, terms, President Mayor: terms, term limits, power, duties Holding Other Offices First Council Meeting After Election Quorum Voting Appropriations When An Ordinance Takes Effect Audit Committee 3.Your reactions and input 4.Other thoughts, ideas
City Council Composition Auburn. 5 ward councilors, 2 “at large” Lewiston. 7 ward councilors, no “at large” (only mayor is “at large”) Draft Charter.* 11 ward councilors with 2 or more wards straddling river – Each ward representing ~5,400 persons, roughly same as present – “At large” councilor is the mayor * Nothing is final. We’re presenting what we’ve been thinking and talking about so far.
Councilor Terms Auburn and Lewiston. 2 years, not staggered Draft Charter. Leaning toward 3 years staggered – More complex than today and some elections would be out of sync with state/national elections – Staggering allows for “continuity” – Would the Mayor’s term need to be staggered too?
Mayor Terms and Limits Auburn. 2 year term, no limits Lewiston. 2 year terms, limit is 3 successive terms Draft. 2 year terms – Some CC members see value in term limit depending on power invested in mayor, but others feel there should be no term limit – If limits, mayor needs at least 6 or 8 years to accomplish goals. – If staggered city council, should the mayor also serve for a 3 year term?
Mayor Power and Duties Auburn. Preside, vote only in case of tie, appoint committees Lewiston. Preside, vote only in case of tie or when there is a council vacancy or absence of councilor, appoint committees Draft. Preside, vote only in case of tie, appoint committees with council approval, present annual “state of city” message – Should mayor be full voting member or only to break tie or vote in councilor absence? – Why note allow the mayor to have full vote? – Broadly, how much power should a mayor have vis a vis the city manager and council?
Council President Auburn. None Lewiston. Council elects President for 2 year term, acts as mayor during temporary absences. Draft. Council elects President for 2 year term, acts as mayor during temporary absences
Holding Other Offices Auburn. Mayor and councilors may not hold other public offices Lewiston. Mayor and councilors may hold other public offices Draft. Uncertain, seeking more input
First Council Meeting After Election Auburn. 45 days after election Lewiston. After January swearing in Draft. 45 days after election – Do not want too much time to elapse before new council comes together. – What if there is a mayoral run off election?
Quorum Auburn. Majority of voting members Lewiston. 4 members Draft. Majority of elected members If mayor can vote in certain situations, does his/her presence enable a quorum
Process for Voting Appropriations Auburn. Read on 2 separate days, unless unanimous vote of Councilors present and voting Lewiston. Normal resolve vote Draft. Read on 2 separate days, unless rule has been dispensed by vote of 8 of 11 Councilors Bonus Question: What should constitute a super majority – 2/3, 3/4, 7/8 -- and what issues should require such a majority to pass?
Ordinance Takes Effect Auburn. 5 days after passage Lewiston. 30 days Draft. 30 calendar days after passage, unless otherwise specified in ordinance Note: There would be a separate provision for “emergency ordinances.”
Audit Committee Auburn. Audit committee of 2 Councilors, 2 School Committee who agree on fifth member Lewiston. Audit firm reports to full city council Draft. Audit committee of 2 Councilors, 2 School Committee who agree on 5 th member, hire and direct audit firm, receive report, present to joint City Council and School Committee meeting Is there a need for an audit committee or should the full city council serve in that role?