22 May 2012 Mark Cotton
2535 Please see next slide for additional details
2010/112011/12 Hear and Treat See and Treat AQI technical guidance for 2011/12 stipulated how to calculate Hear and Treat and See and Treat which differs from our previous methodology and so we cannot compare between 2010/11 and 2011/12
Engagement with governors, staff, Board of Directors in February and March 2012 Long list of potential quality indicators presented Consideration given to Trust vision, operating framework, operating environment and changes to commissioning environment Shortlist of quality priorities drawn from longer list, after considering feedback
We have also engaged with Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and Overview and Scrutiny Committees to share draft priorities and request feedback
Quality indicator Brief description Locally agreed indicatorsTargets 1 To develop enhanced patient experience capture methodology and establish the use of a ‘net promoter score’ which would be used year on year to assess overall satisfaction. This year will be a year of setting baselines as the methods we are using to survey patients are new to us. 2 To increase the number of appropriate referral of patients to wide ranging alternative community and primary services; achieving right care, right place, right time and first time. Increase on baseline 3 To deliver continuous improvements in A&E response performance in our more rural areas (up to our current national target of 75% Category A’s responded to within 8 minutes). Redcar & Cleveland75% County Durham75% achieved by the year end and an average of 71% through the year Northumberland75% achieved by the year end and an average of 71% through the year 4 To effectively implement the new emergency care trauma pathways within the North East Establish a baseline
Quality indicatorBrief description 2011/12 report mandatory indicators 5Category A 8 minute response performance Performance against response target and against national average 6Category A 19 minute response performance Performance against response target and against national average 2012/13 report mandatory indicators (NEAS will include these in 2011/12 Quality Account) 7STEMI care bundleDelivery of care bundle: performance against national average 8Stroke care bundleDelivery of care bundle: performance against national average 9Staff views on standards of care% of staff who would recommend the trust to friends or family needing care and performance against national average
Key ActionsDate Finalisation and circulation of draft documentApril - May 2012 Approval by Audit Committee and the Board of DirectorsMay 2012 Submission to Monitor31 May 2012 Publication30 June 2012