Mapping the Mountain State WV Association of Geospatial Professionals Promoting and sharing geographic information and mapping technologies in the Mountain State 5/10/12 Annual Meeting Robert Shaffer, President, WVAGP
Mapping the Mountain State - Final call for ballots - Call to Order - Approval of 3 Nov 2011Minutes - Special Order: Board Election Appointment of election tellers (Jessica DeWitt & Timothy Bishop)3 Nov May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting2
Mapping the Mountain State Reports of Officers President’s Report 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting3
Mapping the Mountain State WVAGP Board May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting4
Mapping the Mountain State Accomplishments Training: Sponsored over 20 training opportunities for professional development at significant discounts. GISCI Certification: WVAGP and WV GIS Policy Council approved resolutions that recognize the GIS Certificate Institute (GISCI) for certification for GIS Professionals. 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting5
Mapping the Mountain State Accomplishments (Cont.) GIS Planning/Coordination: Assisted in the creation of a statewide cadastral business plan.. Membership: Increased membership rolls to 254 GIS Professionals. WVSPS & WVAGP became allied members. Outreach Activities: Created listerves for addressing and cadastral mappers. Hosted biennial 2012 WV GIS Conference. 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting6
Mapping the Mountain State WVAGP Sponsored Training 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting7 Instructor-Led WorkshopTraining DatesLocationTraining By ArcGIS 10.0 Desktop I and II What to Know About ArcGIS 10 ArcGIS 10.0 Tips and Tricks Dec 5-9 & July 25-29, 2011 June 14, 2011 May 11, 2012 Morgantown Shepherdstown Morgantown WVGISTC WVGISTC WVGISTC Internet Mapping Applications and Services in WV June 14, 2011 May 11, 2012 Shepherdstown MorgantownWVGISTC ArcGIS 10 Parcel Management Tools ESRI Land Records Seminar IAAO GIS Workshop for Assessors June 15, 2011 Oct 19-20, 2011 Nov 15-16, 2011 Shepherdstown Mgtn., Charleston Flatwoods ESRI ESRI IAAO Cartography and Map Design (URISA) April 7, 2011CharlestonURISA/WVGISTC Understanding Coordinate Systems / Surveying Principle June 14, 2011ShepherdstownPrecision Laser Census 2010 data, application, and analysis June 14, 2011ShepherdstownCensus Understanding GPS / Coordinate Sys. Best Practices of GPS June 14, 2011 May 11, 2012 Shepherdstown Morgantown Precision Laser Earth Vector Sys. FGDC Metadata December 7-8, 2010 January 19-20, 2011 Huntington Morgantown RTI Writing effective RFP's for geospatial products and services December 7, 2011ClarksburgWoolpert, Inc. National Hydrography Dataset May 11, 2012MorgantownUSGS/WVGISTC URISA Lidar Workshop Lidar Processing & Viewing in ArcGIS June 10, 2011 May 11, 2012 Huntington Morgantown URISA/Merrick WV DEP Census Boundary and Annexations Surveys (BAS) January 11, 2012 January 12, 2012 Morgantown, Charleston Census
Mapping the Mountain State WVAGP Sponsored Training 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting8
Mapping the Mountain State Training Survey & Scheduling 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting9 Results from new online membership survey will be used to schedule training.
Mapping the Mountain State 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting10 Hussein is 31 st GISP in WV GIS Certification
Mapping the Mountain State So Long…My term ENDs in 50 days 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting11
Mapping the Mountain State Vice-President’s Report 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting12
Mapping the Mountain State Secretary’s Report 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting13 Broad-level representation of board of directors and membership CONSITUENCY GROUP MEMBER- SHIP (May 2012) BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Voting Members) Federal Government112 State Government503 Regional and Local Organizations 823 Education and Research 341 Private Sector772 total members paid their current year dues (April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013) Allied Member: WVSPS
Mapping the Mountain State 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting14
Mapping the Mountain State Annual Report Written 2012 annual report will be posted on the WVAGP website: 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting15
Mapping the Mountain State Treasurer’s Report 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting16 Annual Treasury Report 2011 Starting Balance $64, all income Membership and/or meeting registration fees, training fees$53, Total Income$53, expenses PayPal$1, URISA Mapping class, April$3, Eastern Panhandle meeting and membership meeting$4, ArcGIS II and III, June$16, November Membership meeting$ GIS for Assessors, November$9, ArcGIS II and II, December$17, WV Geography Bee support$ WV GeoExplorer support$ Support for WVAGP members for training expenses or GIS Certification expenses$ Other office expenses$ Total Expenses$54, Summation Deposits$53, Expenses$54, Net Balance for WVAGP accounts for 2011 as of 12/31/2011 $63,875.14
Mapping the Mountain State Treasurer’s Report (Cont.) Renewed WVAGP non-profit business license Successfully filed federal tax documents on time and with no problems 2011 WVAGP budget completed with a negative balance gain of $1,000. ($53K income, $54K expenses) 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting17
Mapping the Mountain State Reports of Standing Committees Election –To report and recommend on nomination and election procedures. Communications –To report and recommend on matters and methods of communication with the membership and the public. Conference –To report and recommend on plans for the annual conference. Technical Issues –To report and recommend on issues relevant to strategic planning, data development, standards, and shared services. Outreach –To report and recommend on methods for exchanging information and for promoting an awareness of geospatial technologies. –` 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting18
Mapping the Mountain State Election Committee 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting19
Mapping the Mountain State Outreach Committee 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting20
Mapping the Mountain State Communications Committee 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting21
Mapping the Mountain State Methods of Communication 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting22 Website List Serves (WVAGP, Cadastral, E-911) Marketing & Newsletters (Constant Contact)
Mapping the Mountain State Electronic Newsletter 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting23
Mapping the Mountain State Conference Committee 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting24
Mapping the Mountain State 2012 WV GIS Conference 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting25 WVU Downtown Campus, Morgantown, WV May 8-11, 2012 Brooks Hall
Mapping the Mountain State Conference Survey Online survey: 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting26
Mapping the Mountain State Thank You WVU Students WVGISTC Staff WV Dept. of Geology & Geography WVAGP Conference Committee WV Office of GIS Coordination Others 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting27
Mapping the Mountain State Technical Issues Committee 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting28
Mapping the Mountain State Reports of Special Committees Audit Committee 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting29
Mapping the Mountain State Report of WV GIS Coordinator 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting30
Mapping the Mountain State Report of Allied Member WV Society of Professional Surveyors 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting31
Mapping the Mountain State New Business 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting32
Mapping the Mountain State Good of the Order / Discussions Adjournment 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting33
Mapping the Mountain State Questions? 10 May 2012WVAGP Annual Meeting34 Contact: Robert Shaffer, President WV Association of Geospatial Professionals P.O. Box 3903 Charleston, WV Web: Phone: (304)